Introducing E-Mail Invoicing in GoBill Mobile (SellQuick)

Introducing E-Mail Invoicing in GoBill Mobile (SellQuick)

The much-awaited feature in GoBill Mobile is here!!! 

Automatic e-mail invoicing is now available in GoBill Mobile from version 6.1.0. Here is everything you need to know about the new update. 

What's New in version 6.1.0?
Email invoice support
  • Store owners can now send Invoice as mail to customers after performing sales
  • Email invoice support is provided for both online and offline mode
  • Users will be able to enable and disable Email invoices.
  • The invoice can be resent as an Email from the Reprint screen of SellQuick
  • Store owners can customize the subject and body for email invoice
1. How to enable email configuration?
  • For Rpos7 and RPOS6: Tools -> Configuration -> GoBill Mobile. Enable 'Allow E-Mail Invoice in GoBill Mobile' configuration
  • For TRUEPOS: Tools-> Business configuration. Enable 'Enable auto-mail (Sales, PO)' configuration
2. How to perform mail configuration?
  • For RPOS7 and RPOS6: In smart reports, go to Settings -> Mail configuration. Provide the necessary details and save.
  • For TRUEPOS: Search for mail server configuration. Provide the necessary details and save.

Update your GoBill Mobile to the latest version to try this feature. 

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