GoBill Mobile (SellQuick) - The only tablet your pharmacy needs

GoBill Mobile (SellQuick) - The only tablet your pharmacy needs

GoBill Mobile, being the most adaptive mobile POS that it is has a unique set of features that are exclusive for retail pharmacy or pharma retail industry. All these exclusive features aim to provide the comfort of managing your entire retail pharmacy sales on a mobile or tablet with ease. Below are the features you’ll find only on GoBill Mobile pharmacy.

1. Auto calculation of strip and tablet rate based on I/U.
2. Batch/expiry management support added for pharmacy items
3. Generic item search
4. Doctor Management, Default customer/doctor selection 
5. Reminder days for medicines 

1. Auto calculation of strip and tablet rate based on I/U
I/U entries in Item master and Purchase entry will be supported in GoBill Mobile while billing. The selling price will be divided with the I/U value of the item and the new selling price will be used in the sales screen.

2. Batch/expiry management support added for pharmacy items
Expiry date format and the Expiry date for each batch will be synchronized to GoBill Mobile and it will be validated in the sales screen when adding to Cart. The validation will be activated based on the Expiry optional field in Item Master.

3. Generic item search
A generic name search will be implemented based on the multiple categories which are mapped under the item master to the item.

4. Doctor Management, Default customer/doctor selection 
  • All the entries from Doctor master will be synchronized to GoBill Mobile along with the field which denotes if the doctor should be considered "Default Doctor".

  • Each customer can be mapped with a Default doctor and it will be synced to GoBill Mobile. Also, there’s a provision in Quick Add customers to map them to a default doctor.

  • Customer name, customer address, and doctor selection are mandatory when adding Scheduled and Scheduled[H1] type drugs to the cart.

  • Customer name, address, phone no., gender, age, father/husband name, and Doctor name is mandatory when adding Notifiable items to the cart.

  • Fields for Gender, age, father/husband name are newly added to Quick Add customers.
  • Quick add Doctor master from GoBill Mobile is also provided.

5. Reminder days for medicines 
GoBill Mobile reminds the sales professional when it’s time for a medicine refill for any particular customer, provided the same information has been provided in the RetailEasy Server. 

In order to use these exclusive features, make sure your RetailEasy application is registered under the ‘Pharmacy’ business. 

Haven’t tried GoBill Mobile yet?
Click here and try it out now. 
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