Alert Cashier beyond Sales Limit

Alert Cashier beyond Sales Limit

Alert Cashier beyond Sales Limit





This helps in control inventory and prevent loss due to overstocking or other issues that can arise when sales go beyond what is sustainable for the business. When the sales limit is reached, an alert message will notify the cashier that they should stop taking orders or processing transactions until the limit is reset or adjusted.


Note: New feature is added in cash and shift management where by cashier system users can be alerted using sound when the cash limit goes beyond a certain limit. For example, suppose a value of 25000-/ is set for a particular cashier and as soon as the cashier collects cash above 25000, the application will start to make beep sound for a specified time, indicating the user to withdraw the cash from the counter. Once withdrawn, the next alert will happen when the limit is again crossed. Please note system will alert the users when the limit is crossed with in the same shift id. This is particularly useful for those customers who would like to clear the cash from counters from time to time.




- Help to optimize their stock levels and ensure they have the right amount of inventory on hand to meet customer demand.

- Help businesses better manage their operations and reduce the risk of financial loss due to fraud or theft.

- Help to improve customer satisfaction by ensuring that customers can find the products they want when they want them.


Steps to configure for the Alert Cashier beyond Sales Limit:


Step 1: Login as Service User


Go to Tools > Configuration > Configuration



Step 2: Business Configuration screen will appear. Service User Configuration > Till Manager - Interval for shift-id based till cash limit alert verification (Select the value from LOV)





- Duration of alert (beep sound) in seconds once till cash limit is reached (Select the values from LOV) > Save








Overall, setting sales limits and receiving alert messages can help businesses optimize their operations, reduce the risk of financial losses, and improve customer satisfaction.





1. What is a sales limit in RetailEasy Apparel POS?
- A sales limit is a threshold or cap set by a business on the amount of sales they can process before receiving an alert message.


2. Can the sales limit be adjusted in RetailEasy Apparel POS?
- Yes, businesses can adjust the sales limit in RetailEasy Apparel POS based on their needs.


3. Can the sales limit be set differently for different products or categories?
- Yes, businesses can set different sales limits for different products or categories based on their sales patterns and inventory needs.


4. How does having an alert message for sales limits benefit customers?
- By improving inventory management, businesses can ensure that they have the right products in stock to meet customer demand, leading to better customer satisfaction.



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