All About Shelf Talker

All About Shelf Talker

What is Shelf Talker (Purpose)?


When we visit supermarkets, we can see item prices are getting displayed on Racks & Standing Displays with offers & prices. These are called Rack Labels and Price Standees. These are used for displaying the item rates and available offers & discounts on them.  


Shelf Talker is a newly introduced screen specially designed for printing these kind of labels on A4 Sheets. Instead of printing on stickers, we have given the option to print on A4 sheets to reduce the stationary cost and also give freedom to choose bigger font sizes. These will attract more people towards the items as the prices can be visible from a distance as well and increase the possibilities of sales. This is like the Shelf itself is talking to the customers and attracting them to buy the products.


Below are the examples of Rack Labels & Standees which are commonly used in the Supermarkets.








*** Note:

     Price Levels, Promotions & Item Discounts will not be reflected in the Shelf Talker.

     This is a Custom License, so it has to be purchased separately.

     All the latest rate details & Buy X get Y offer details will be displayed on the shelf based on X & Y values given.


Who will use this feature (Targeted Audience)?


Any standalone or HQ Supermarket/Departmental Store can use this feature. Below are the business types where this feature will be highly useful.




     Home Appliances

     General Marchendise


In one word, every business can use this feature where they want shelf price display, which plays a crucial role in day-to-day instore sales promotions.



What are the Price Formats supported for the Shelf Talker?


Price Formats:

Rs. X Only

- (Rs <Selling Rate> Only)


*Note: All the data will be auto adjusted based on the length of the field.


Rs. X Off on MRP [Print will come Rs. X Off]

- (Rs <MRP - Selling Rate> Off)



  • If the customer is using Same Selling & Same MRP then 0 Off on MRP will come.

  • All the data will be auto adjusted based on the length of the field.


Buy X Get Y - [Manual] [X and Y stands for Qty]


*** Note:

  • X & Y values should be mentioned manually while printing the A4 sheet.

  • All the data will be auto adjusted based on the length of the field.



X% Off on MRP [Print will come X% Off]

- (MRP - Selling rate * 100/MRP)



*** Note:

  • If the customer is using Same Selling & Same MRP then 0% Off will come.

  • All the data will be auto adjusted based on the length of the field.


If you want to print the UOM Price of the product, It will be printed in 30 Degree angular way on top left of the print. See the screenshot for your reference.


*Note: All the data will be auto adjusted based on the length of the field.



How many printable formats do we have for the Shelf Talker?


We have introduced 5 fixed printing formats for the printouts:

A4/1 = Only 1 Label will be printed in the A4 Sheet.

A4/2 = Only 2 Labels will be printed in the A4 Sheet.

A4/4 = Only 4 Labels will be printed in the A4 Sheet.

A4/9 = Only 9 Labels will be printed in the A4 Sheet.

A4/20 = Only 20 Labels will be printed in the A4 Sheet.



How to use the Shelf Talker?


To use the Shelf Talker, do the following steps:

Step 1: Go to Inventory > Barcode > Shelf Talker


Step 2: Click on F4 Print Order button to load the "Print Profile Order" window and set the print order there. Based on the order, grouping of print jobs will be done by the software.


Step 2: Press Enter the Item Code field to load individual items.


** Note: Choose Manufacturer, Distributor to filter and click on Load Items to load the items on the screen.


Step 3: Load all the items and select the Round Off option and press the Enter button. Choose Near from the list.


Step 4: Press Ctrl + Space Bar to apply the same "Near" option to all the rows & then click on ok.

  • Check the Rounded Off column, all became "Near".


Step 5: Put the Printing Qty & press the Enter button on the "Print Profile" field to bring up the Print Profile Details window where we can select the desired Print Profile.



  • Based on this order print job will be given to the printer.

  • Rates will come from the latest batch only.

  • Printing Qty is restricted to single digits. It means you can give max 9 in that field.


Step 6: Press the Enter button on "Print Profile" field to select the "Selling Price Format".



  • If you are choosing the Buy X Get Y Selling Prince Format, then only you can put details in (Buy X) & (Get Y) fields.

  • Same item selection is not allowed to restrict duplication of printing.

  • Below screen shot is an example of all the possible combinations and their outputs.

  • Put the UOM Qty if you want to print the rate in the left top corner with 45 degree angle.

  • Below is an example of the print preview.





UOM Qty & UOM Type:

UOM Qty & UOM Type columns for getting proper UOM Type and Qty in the print based on the user selection. These are used to display the unit price for the items in the printed outputs.


Suppose you sell biscuits on a KG basis and you want to show the per unit cost of the biscuits in the Shelf Talker prints, this feature will help you with that.


Below are the steps to get the UOM Type wise prints:

Step1: Put UOM Qty as 1.


Step 2: Select Per KG / Per Lt / Per Pcs from the list.

***Note: Currently, these are the options available as these are most commonly used in supermarkets.


***Note: The UOM quantity and type will only support the selling price formats of 'Rs.X Only' and 'Rs.X off on MRP'.


Below is the preview which includes the unit price formats.


***Note: If the Selling Price is 600, UOM Qty is 3 and the UOM Type is Per KG then the unit price will be 200 Rs Per KG.


See the below print preview for your reference.




We have introduced Barcode Scanning feature for fast & easy operations.

To activate the Barcode scanning bar, just put a tick ☑ in the check box.


Note: We do not allow to scan EANCode in the barcode scanning. It only supports barcode and serial number search.




How to Setup Printer for the Shelf Talker printouts?


Step 1: Click on Sel. Printer to select the desired installed printer.


Step 2: Select the desired printer from the list.



How to enable additional Categories on the Shelf Talker screen?


Step 1: Click on F9 Settings button to bring up the settings.


Step 2: Press Space Bar to select/de-select the categories for the Shelf Talker filter section.

Step 3: Click on Save to save the settings.


Step 4: Click on Yes.




Step 5: Click on Ok.



  • You can Copy & Paste or Apply the same setup for all the rows by pressing Ctrl + Spacebar.

  • Supported Fields: Printing Qty, Rounded Off, Print Profile, Selling Price Format & UOM Qty.







How to generate preview using the Shelf Talker?


To generate a preview of the print, click on F6 Preview button and click on Yes.


  • Below are some samples of the printouts generated by the Rack Label module.









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