API for List All Sales Orders

API for List All Sales Orders

API for List all Sales Orders (With user validation)

Purpose: Used to retrieve all sales Orders

Resource URL: http://localhost:8382/WebReporter/api/v1/salesOrders

Method: GET

Authentication: Set Header As

X-Auth-Token: <API - KEY>

GET: http://localhost:8382/WebReporter/api/v1/salesOrders


"orderPK": 1,
"onlineReferenceNo": 67,
"createdAt": "2014-11-28 12:34:33",
"updatedAt": null,
"status": "pending",
"orderRemarks": "newSo",
"Channel": "ASDFASDF",
"totalQuantity": 15,
"totalAmount": 520.4,
"paymentMode": "1",
"totalTaxAmount": 19.82,
"totalDiscountAmount": 0,
"courierPartner": "ABT",
"shippingId": "2",
"shippingName": "Arjun",
"shippingAddress1": "anna nagar",
"shippingAddress2": "shennoi nagar",
"shippingPlace": "near to anna arch",
"shippingState": "Tamil Nadu",
"shippingCountry": "india",
"shippingPincode": "600034",
"shippingPhone": "04143745365",
"shippingMobile": "9944577577",
"shippingEmail": "hja@gmail.com",
"shippingCharge": 5,
"shippingMethod": "economy",
"ShipmentPointsUsed": 5,
"shipmentItems": 3,
"shipmentABN": "145",
"shipmentWeight": 50,
"discountCoupon": "1",
"deliveryDate": "2014-11-23 00:00:00",
"locationId": 1,
"userId": "ja",
"customerId": "1006",
"customerName": "Jagadesh",
"customerType": "1",
"customerAddressLine1": "S2,Kalki flats",
"customerAddressLine2": "durga nagar",
"customerAddressLine3": "near tambaram sanatorium",
"customerArea": "Chromepet",
"customerCity": "",
"customerState": "tamil nadu",
"customerCountry": "india",
"customerPincode": 600047,
"customerPhone": "9600822216",
"customerMobile": "",
"customerEmail": "hja@gmail.com",
"rowNo": 1,
"id": 67,
"itemId": 1,
"itemName": "APPLE"


  1. To retrieve sales orders in between a period

    GET: http://localhost:8382/WebReporter/api/v1/salesOrders?q=createdAt>=2014-10-22 00: 00: 00,createdAt<=2014-09-22 00: 00: 00

  2. To retrieve top '50' sales orders

    GET: http://localhost:8382/WebReporter/api/v1/salesOrders?limit=50

  3. To retrieve the next 50 sales orders (from 51 - 100)

    GET: http://localhost:8382/WebReporter/api/v1/salesOrders?page=2&limit=50

  4. To sort the order of sales orders based on the created date and time

    GET: http://localhost:8382/WebReporter/api/v1/salesOrders?order=CreatedAt [For ascending]
    GET: http://localhost:8382/WebReporter/api/v1/salesOrders?order=CreatedAt desc [For descending]

A maximum of 250 sales orders alone can be retrieved at one time.

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