1. Login to Web app
Open Inventory module in POS ->click on GOFRUGAL GoSure -> redirects to web app
Open URL < CID.gofrugalconnect.com >
using GRN manager credentials
2. Click on the bell icon on the top right corner to load the GIN made from the mobile app by the GRN picker.
3. Enter the supplier details and verify the items, quantities and rate by comparing with the purchase invoice.
4. While editing, you may get colour notifications denoting the following:
Red colour (GRN mismatch)- Is notified if the quantity entered by your GRN picker through mobile app and the quantity edited by you do not match.
Blue colour (PO mismatch)- Is notified if there is any mismatch in quantity when compared to the purchase order raised against the supplier
Black colour (Last purchase mismatch)- Is notified if there is any increase / decrease in cost since last purchase.
5. Enter details for all the line items
6. The Column arrangement (the 'settings' like icon) icon helps you in arranging & making the columns active/inactive for a temporary/permanent save.
7. You can add items directly in the web app apart from the items that have been added from the mobile app by
-> Hit enter button in the last line item
-> add items and enter details
-> Click on 'Add rows' from the bottom left corner of the screen
-> add items and enter details
8. Keys in the bottom represent,
Custom offer: If there is any custom offer for the product, enter it by clicking on this button
Hold : If any other purchase entry has to be made immediately from web app, click on this button to hold the current purchase entry and proceed.
The held purchase entries can be re-loaded by clicking on the PENDING INVOICES button on top of the screen.
Purchase history: Purchase history for any product can be viewed by clicking on this button
Purchase adjustment: If there is any purchase adjustment with respect to the selected supplier, it will be displayed once you click on this button.
Tax config: Select your tax configuration, based on GST-Inclusive or GST-Exclusive.
Clear: Hit this button if the screen has to be cleared.
Submit: Click on this to save the purchase entry. This will be synced to POS immediately.
Explore Settings:
Open Settings
->Purchase configuration.
Suggest mapped MRP to GRN picker-> Enabling this would display the existing MRP to the GRN picker in mobile app . The GRN picker can edit the old MRP to a new one (or) save as it is if there is no change in MRP for the product.
Allow GRN picker to enter cost price from mobile-> Enabling this would allow the GRN picker to enter the cost price for the product from mobile app.