How to attend multiple customers at once with GoBill Mobile (SellQuick)?

How to attend multiple customers at once with GoBill Mobile (SellQuick)?

Hello there!

Hold and recall is a function to ensure non-stop billing and also to hold few items in the cart, while the customer is shopping slowly. While the cart is held, other fresh bills can be made. You can later fetch the held cart and complete the bill.

This enables you to service more than one customer at the same time and greatly reduce their waiting time.

Here's how it is managed in GoBill Mobile.

Step 1: Click on the three dots on the top right corner of the cart screen and click on Hold cart

Step 2: Click on " Hold" to hold the current bill and we can select the items for the next bill

The Number of bills in hold will be displayed on the home screen.

Step 4: On clicking, it will display the bills on hold.
Select the bill we need to continue and it will be loaded in the cart.
Click on checkout to complete the bill.