Batch Sorting (Short Expiry/ FIFO)
Purpose :
The main purpose of the batch sorting is to populate the batch on top for selection while choosing a product
Steps to be Followed for Configuring Batch Sorting
Step 1:- Go to Tools -> Options -> Option.
Step 2:- Go to Sales tab -> Item wise Option -> Stock Flow option and press Enter. Select Anyone option from the following
1. BatchFiFo (First in First out option which means whatever the batch is purchased first will be taken first during the Sales )
2. BatchShortExp (The batch which is in its short expiry will be populated first during the batch selection)
Step 3 :- Click on Save Button.
Step 4 :- Then Go to Inventory -> Sales Bill, select the customer and select any product. While the cursor is in the Batch column. Based on the configuration the list will be populated.