In some case due to manual error or other reasons, need may arise to change the packing date entered. To assist this, we have provided two options in the product.
1. Change packing date from transaction screen:
In inward screen, we have given a function key called “Change Pack”. This function key can be used both in fresh entry or in edit mode. Please note in edit mode, once the item is transacted, the packing date cannot be changed.
2. Change packing date from Stock update screen:
Packing Date of items can be edited in the Stock Update screen. A new column called packing date will be visible to users on selecting such items. If user wants to see the batch number and expiry date column as well then user can go to configurations screen and enable the below configuration.
Tools->Configuration->Configuration->Common Setting->Batch and Expiry Config->Show batch no and expiry date
As and when user changes the packing date, the respective expiry date will be updated in the expiry date column. All the validations that is applicable for the packing date while making the inward is applicable in stock update screen as well. Please refer the image below.