Purpose :- Cluster configuration is implemented to set precise time limits for franchises or branches, allowing order requests only within the configured timeframe. This purpose ensures a controlled and efficient ordering process, optimizing resource utilization and promoting timely fulfillment.
Steps need to be followed :-
Cluster Configure in outlet:
Step 1: Go to Inventory->Cluster Management->Cluster configuration
In Location Business type can be defined into three types franchise , Branch and Distribution center
1.Franchise means which they bought the right to use the famous brand ,The franchise is responsible for the day to day running and management of the restaurant.
2.Branch is the location other than the main office,where a business is conducted.
3.Distribution center is like a warehouse ,used to store goods and transfer it to respective location.
Step 2: Choose the Distribution center , Business type.
PO Allowed time (HM:MM) ->We can set the time for Franchise or Branch to raise the Purchase order between the time range which has been configured.
Cut off Time (HH:MM)->After the configured cut off time , franchise or Branch if they raise the purchase order goes for the approval ,After it was approved it will go to the sales order screen.
Enable Po Preview ->If enabled PO preview , While creating the Purchase order will get the print preview.
Enable Post Cut off - PO hold for Approval->
PO Count Based On->We can set the Purchase order (PO) count for a day, For Example: 10 Po count has been set for the respective franchise location, it will not allow to raise the 11 Purchase order.