Cluster Indent

Cluster Indent

Purpose :-  The Cluster indent helps the Branch (Business type) to raise the item required based on the cluster configured for the branch and item configured.

Real time Scenario :-  In the cluster Configuration screen , The respective Branch should be enabled and Allowed Time will be configured for the Branch to raise the indent,The item mapping screen items need to configured with the minimum qty and allowed time to raise the item in indent.

Steps need to be followed :- 

Menu Access: Go to Inventory ->Cluster Management->Cluster indent

Cluster Configuration Screen:

*Location->Need to map the Distribution center location

*Type- >Type should be choosed as "Branch"

*Enabled Indent Preview ->If enabled Indent preview , While creating the Indent request will get the print preview.

*Enable Post Cut off - Indent hold for Approval->After the cut off , Raised the indent it will go for the Approval.

*Indent Allowed Time->We can set the time for  Branch to raise the indent between the time range which has been configured.

*Cut off Time (HH:MM)->After the configured cut off time , The Branch if they raise the indent goes for the approval.

*Indent Count Based On->We can set the indent count based on cluster or location for a day.

For Example: 10 indent count has been set for the respective branch , it will  not allow to raise the 11th indent request.


Note: In the Cluster Configuration screen ,

If choosed "Type" as Branch ,It is configured for indent flow process.

If choosed "Type" as Franchise , It is configured for Purchase order process.



Once Cluster Configured for the Branch , The item mapping need to be configured for the Branch

*Distribution Center->Need to map the respective distribution center

*Food Type : Based on item classifies food type need to selected from drop down.

       Food Type is classified into three types Food, Packing material and New market.

*MOQ (Minimum order Quantity)-->Minimum Quantity will be set for the item, Less than minimum qty mapped it will not allow to place the request.

Allowed Time: For Each item have to set the allowed time , Based on the allowed time configured within the time only it will be allowed to place the indent.

For More detail Kindly Refer the help document:


Cluster Indent Screen

The items configured in cluster item mapping will show in the cluster indent screen.

*Location->Map the Distribution center location

*Food type: Based on Food type items will be filtered.

*Map the "Ship to" Location.



*Preview& Save->Click on "Preview & save" To raise the request for the orders.

*View Expired items->Expired items means after the Allowed time set for the item ,If we raise the order it will come to the expired items



Click on "Preview & Save" ->Get the indent Confirmation screen ->click on "Save".



After indent raised we will get the pop up of "Indent Request Successfully Posted"

Note: "Enable Post Cut off - Indent hold for Approval"->After the cut off , Raised the indent it will go for the Approval


If we raise the indent request after the cut off time , User will get the pop up It goes to Indent Approval 




Menu Access: Go to Inventory->Cluster Management-> Cluster indent Approval

The  indent request raised after the cut off time ,It will go to the Cluster Indent Approval screen,

Select the respective location to check the indent request

Status classified into Approved, Pending and Rejected.



Click on "View" to see the Indent Request raised



The Item details with quantity will show in the screen , After checking it , User can approve or Reject it.



Click on Approve or Reject the Indent Request



After Approved the Indent Request will get the pop up of "Purchase order has been Approved"


If Rejected the Indent request We will get the pop up "Purchase order has cancelled"



After the indent created, Go to Transfer out screen.

Menu access : Kindly Go to Inventory->Inventory Management->Transfer out

In Transfer out screen->click on "Load Indent"


*From the dropdown choose the respective "location"

*Source location should be "Distribution center"

*Select the "Indent request no"

The Indent Raised will be loaded with the details in the screen , Click on "Save " to do the Transfer out.


After the Transfer out created ,We will get the pop up of "Transfer out Created Successfully".




Now the Respective location can Go to the Transfer In Screen and Transfer In the stock of the item.

Menu Access: Go to Inventory->Inventory Management->Transfer in

Choose the location so that we can get the Transfer out made ->Click on "Approve"  To do the Transfer in the Stock



Click on "Save " to do the Transfer in the Stock successfully.




Once Saved, We will get the pop up of "Transfer In made successfully ".

Transfer In item stock Quantity will be reflected to the item.



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