What are the configurations for OrderEasy in RetailEasy?

What are the configurations for OrderEasy in RetailEasy?

Item Configuration in POS:

The owner can active or inactive the item in the item master in POS. If any item is marked as "No" under "Applicable online store" in RetailEasy 7 or "Applies online" in "RetailEasy 6.5 & ServeEasy 6",  then that particular item will not be displayed in the mobile application. Make sure you click on item sync in the integration portal manual sync process screen.

1. Applicable online store field will be available under MISC in item master in RetailEasy 7
2. Applies online field will be available under SALES ATTRIBUTES in item master for RetailEasy 6.5 & ServeEasy 6

Note: If do not find it in the menu, enable it using Manage tab(Ctrl+F4)

Note: After making the changes in POS, it is mandatory to click on "Sync" in OrderEasy back-end integration portal

Bulk update in item master:

If the user wants to update "Applies online" as "Yes" or "No" for the items in bulk, then he can use BULK UPDATE feature in Item master(Ctrl+F3)

Note: After making the changes in POS, it is mandatory to click on "Item Sync" in OrderEasy back-end integration portal

Category Configuration in POS:                                     
 The owner can active or in-active the category in category master in POS. If any category is marked as "No" under "Applicable for mobile device" in the category master, then that particular category will not be displayed in the mobile application.

1. If you mark "NO" under applies online for a category, the category alone will be removed from the app. The items under that category will still be displayed.
2. After making the changes in POS, it is mandatory to click on " Category Sync" in OrderEasy back-end integration portal
3. Please ensure all the categories are synced by referring in "Item Master" under Reports menu

Image addition in integration portal:

For adding the images, go to https://integration.gofrugal.com/ and log-in with your credentials.
1. Go to Masters ->Item/Category configuration
2. Click on the item logo
3. Add/remove the image

NOTE: Images uploading process should be done only from this integration portal, not from POS.

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