Container Management - Creation, mapping and return - GOFRUGAL ManageEasy - DE6

Container Management - Creation, mapping and return

Purpose of Container Management:

The purpose is that we are able to capture the inventory and monitor the movement of containers to the Supplier/Customer. container's Stock, quantity available, quantity received and qty sold will be made manageable. Base and the Derived container maintaining is possible now, For eg: Say you have a bottle as a container, as well as 12 bottles in a tray, then here the bottles are base container and the trays are derived containers and on the transaction, if a derived qty is delivered then the corresponding base containers also will be delivered

Provisions are given in the container master screen to map more than one container for an item, Can receive containers from the supplier and can issue it to a customer with billing, In the same way, the damaged return of the container can be processed (receiving from customer and sending it to the supplier without affecting the container in hand).Advance/Deposit of Money by the customer and to the supplier for the container can be made and maintained.


  • Crates inventory will be maintained. 
  • Issued and Received count of containers and their status will be known.
  • Container movement to whom(Supplier/Customer) will be tracked.
  • Able to track damage containers.
  • Able to receive the advance amount for containers

Step 1: To create a container Click on Inventory---container management---container master

Step 2: Click on F3 (Add), enter the container name, type, qty, deposit amt if any and save. 

Step 3: To map the container with an item in the items tab, select the product name and container and click F8-Map and save.


Step 4: From the Entry tab we can do container entries such as Opening entry, container issue to the customer, the container receiving from supplier and container selling.
Select the desired type, select the container name, party name, qty and deposit amount and save.



To do the container return Go to inventory---container management---container return entry.  Select the return type as container return or damage return,  Select the party name, container name, qty, transporter, LR details and save.


The container of the item will be reduced on the outward transactions like sales and purchase return of the item and increased on the inward transactions like purchase and sales return. In billing, the validations are added for the items transacted with the No of containers required based on the option "Don't allow billing if customer does not have required container".


Reports are provided to track the container flow in the transaction level and master level under Reports---Inventory---Container.

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