CSV Import Support in Stock Update

CSV Import Support in Stock Update

CSV Import Support in Stock Update







The purpose of stock updation is to reduce the costs of holding stock while ensuring you can meet customer demand. Businesses should always have a 'safe' amount of stock so that they're able to react and cover any unforeseen issues.



 Benefits of CSV Import Support:



- human readable and easy to edit manually

- simple to implement and parse the data

- faster to handle and smaller in size

- easy to generate and considered to be a standard format




 Steps to Load CSV in Stock Update:



Step 1: Go to Inventory > Stock Updation





Step 2: Stock Update screen will appear. Choose the function key 'Load CSV' and select the Format Selection 


Note: For Format Selection:

1. Barcode - Only Barcode Value

2. Barcode, Quantity - Barcode & Item Quantity (Recommended - As customer won't have to put the quantity later)

3. Barcode, Quantity, Rate - Barcode, Item Quantity & Price (MRP, Purchase Price & Selling Price)




Step 3: After selecting the format, sheets to upload from the system will appear. Select the file & click Open.




Step 4: Update the Quantity (Qty) based on the requirement.




Step 5: Stock update Confirmation message will pop-up. Click Ok.




Step 6: To check the stock, open Stock Update screen & Load that item.

In this case for Casual Shoe the Current Stock (Cstk) is now 10, i.e. stock has been updated.










1. How can we update the stock details?


Refer Link: https://help.rpos7.gofrugal.com/Stock-Updation.html



2. How do we import the physical stock from Excel?


Refer Link: https://help.rpos7.gofrugal.com/Physical-Inventory.html



3. What is the purpose of stock ledger?


Refer Link: https://help.rpos7.gofrugal.com/Stock-Ledger.html



4. What is the purpose of current stock and how do we check it?


Refer Link: https://help.rpos7.gofrugal.com/Current-Stock-Report.html



5. What is the purpose of stock and sales report? How does that help when compared to other reports?


Refer Link: https://help.rpos7.gofrugal.com/Stock-and-Sales-Report.html

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