Customer Group

Customer Group

Categorizing customers under different groups is called Customer Groups.


Purpose : Customer groups are created for giving special discounts or offers


For eg: Customer group named Corporate customers can be created and special discounts can be given for customers in that group. On the sales bill screen if a customer is chosen and he belongs to a particular customer group and certain amount of discount is applicable for that group, the discount will be automatically calculated for that customer


To create a Customer Group


Step1: Go to Masters->Customer Groups




Step 2: Add the customer group Name and the Discount % to be assigned to the group and Save 



Step 3: Apply the discount to the customers in the respective group by choosing the customer and clicking on Apply to customers



Step 4: In the Sales screen when the customer is chosen the customer group and the discount is applied.



Step 5: The report can be viewed for the customer group under Sales summary

Go to Reports->Sales summary->Sales by customer groups




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