Do you know how to Purchase Deactivate an Item or set of Items in the Item Master for ServeEasy HQ ?
When the Business Owner doesn't want to purchase a product or set of products in their shop but keeps the item active and continues to do sales till the stock gets finished, the Purchase Deactivation process is done.
By deactivating the Purchase function of an Item, the system will not allow us to do furthermore purchase entries but will allow us to sell the remaining stock products.
First we have to check either the option is enabled or not. For that we have to go:
Step 1:Admin > Configuration > Masters.
Step 2: Search for the keyword "Purchase" in the search box. Then place a check mark (if it is disabled) on visible option for Purchase Allowed .
To deactivate the purchase for an item, follow the below-mentioned step:
Step1: Go to MDM > Item Master Management > Item Master.
Step4: Now remove the check mark from the field, to make the option disable. Then click on 'Update'.
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