Purchase Order Expiry is the date on which the Purchase Order will get expired & it will be unavailable in the system for further use.
Benefits: Using Purchase Order Expiry, we can restrict a Purchase Order to be converted after the defined days. The Purchase Order will be expired and you cannot convert that Purchase Order into Purchase Invoice.
Use Case Scenario:
Suppose you set the PO Expiry Date as 20-12-2022, when the current date reaches 21-12-2022, the system will not allow you to convert the Purchase Order to Purchase Invoice.
To set up the Purchase Order Expiry Days for a single supplier, follow the steps below:
Step 1: Go to MDM > Contact Master Management > Contact Master
Step2: In the 'Select Master' field, the user needs to select 'Supplier'. Then click on 'Go'.
Step3: Click on the 'Edit' Icon beside the supplier for which the PO expiry days needs to be mentioned.Step5: In 'Purchase Order Day Type', select the criteria as per the requirement i.e. Day, Week, Period etc.
Suppose select 'Day'.Step 3: Click on the Columns button to open the column selection screen.
Step 4: Check whether the PO Expiry Day(s) is active or not. If not, activate it.
Then click on 'Proceed'.Step 5: Now locate the PO Expiry Day(s) column and put the desired days there. You can copy and paste the values across the column by just pressing Ctrl + C for copy and Ctrl + V for paste.
Step 6: Click on the 'Save' button to make the changes.
In this way, you can set the PO expiry day, which can help you to restrict the Purchase Invoice to be made after the expiry days passed. This will help restrict duplicate Purchase Orders.