Edit Sales Bill after Generating Scheduled Register

Edit Sales Bill after Generating Scheduled Register

Edit Sales Bill after Generating Scheduled Register



Flexibility: Allowing edits to sales bills after generating a scheduled register provides flexibility in case of errors or changes that need to be made to sales transactions.



  1. Error Correction: If an error is made during the sales transaction, such as entering the wrong item, quantity, or price, the ability to edit the sales bill allows for quick and accurate corrections.

  1. Customer Service: It enables better customer service as it allows pharmacists to accommodate customer requests for changes or cancellations without requiring them to create an entirely new transaction.

  1. Efficiency: Editing a sales bill instead of creating a new one can save time and reduce administrative overhead.

  1. Audit Trail: The process of editing a sales bill is logged and can be tracked, ensuring transparency and accountability in the system.


Note: It is not recommended to edit or cancel the sales bill after generating scheduled register. But if still it's needed then from the below configuration, you will be able to do so.


Steps to configure this feature:

Step 1: Go to Tools > Configuration > Configuration

Step 2: Business Configuration screen will appear. Go to Sales > Billing Pharma Settings - Allow bill edit/cancel after taking scheduled register (Enable the checkbox). Click Save.



Allowing the editing of sales bills after generating a scheduled register provides valuable flexibility and benefits for pharmacies. It enables the correction of errors, enhances customer service, improves efficiency, maintains compliance, and ensures an audit trail. However, it's important to exercise caution and follow recommended steps to maintain transparency and accountability, as making changes to sales records can have regulatory implications.



1. What is a scheduled register in a pharmacy POS system?

  • A scheduled register is a digital record that captures information about scheduled medications dispensed by a pharmacy, often for regulatory and accountability purposes.

2. What precautions should be taken when editing sales bills after generating a scheduled register?

  • Businesses should ensure proper security measures are in place to prevent unauthorized edits. Additionally, it's crucial to maintain transparency and track changes for compliance and audit purposes.

3. Can edited sales bills be tracked and audited for accountability?

  • Yes, edited sales bills should be logged and tracked to maintain transparency and accountability through Smart Reports. This ensures that changes can be traced back to their source.


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