Enabling The Configuration

Enabling The Configuration

We have introduced 3 configurations to support this feature in the product. 

1) “Get packing date during inward transactions to calculate the expiry date”: User has to make sure that this configuration is enabled in order for this feature to work. As the name suggests once the configuration is enabled application will ask user to enter the packing date and if the configuration is disabled then packing date will not be asked while making inward. To enable the configuration, go to  

Tools->Configuration->Configuration->Common Setting->Additional Settings 

and enable the configuration as shown in the image. Read the configuration help to get more clarity. 


Please note, the functionality will not work when the configuration is disabled. 

2) “Show packing date in batch LOV”: If user wants to see the packing date in the batch lov then user can enable this configuration. To enable the configuration, go to  

 Tools->Configuration->Configuration->Sales->Common Setting(SOrder \ DeliveryNote \ Billing) 

and enable the configuration as shown in the image. Read the configuration help to get more clarity. 


3) “Ask confirmation to allow calculated expiry date less than minimum shelf life”: If user wants then they can enable this configuration as well. This configuration can be used if the retailer wants to allow inward when the calculated expiry date is less than the minimum shelf life date for the item. To enable the configuration, go to  
Tools->Configuration->Configuration->Common Setting->Additional Settings
Read the configuration help to get more clarity.