Estimation Bill Number Generation

Estimation Bill Number Generation

Estimation Bill Number Generation





To provide a unique identifier for estimates or quotations given to customers. This feature can help businesses track and manage their estimates and make it easier to convert them into actual sales orders. By generating a unique bill number for each estimate, businesses can also keep better records of their interactions with customers and maintain a history of quotes given.


Note: Feature added in the product of Estimate bill number generation process. This feature will be useful where ever shift based running business. In general shift based business Biller and Cashier will be in different counters. In this case whichever the bills made in bill counter it will be an estimate bills means due bills (i.e) those are unpaid bills. For those unpaid bills, a separate bill number can be maintained and it can be either financial year/day wise sequence also possible. Also, user can define the starting number as well for this estimation number. Once the settlement is done (i.e) user paid the amount for the estimation number then the Invoice number will be generated. This invoice number will be the final bill number.





- Each estimate is assigned a unique number, making it easy to search for and reference at a later time.

- By generating a professional-looking estimate with a unique bill number, businesses can convey a sense of professionalism and attention to detail to their customers.

- The feature can save time by automating the process of generating estimates and bill numbers, reducing the need for manual data entry and the potential for errors.

- The feature can help businesses convert estimates into actual sales orders more easily, as they can quickly reference the estimate using the unique bill number and turn it into an invoice.





- System should have the necessary fields to enter the relevant information, such as the items or services being quoted, quantities, pricing, and any applicable taxes or discounts.

- The feature requires the existence of a unique bill number system that can generate a unique identifier for each estimate created.

- The feature may require configuration to ensure that the generated bill numbers are assigned to the appropriate estimates and are not duplicated or reused.

- The feature may require training for users to ensure that they understand how to use the estimation bill number generation feature and the related processes, such as creating estimates, assigning bill numbers, and converting estimates into sales orders.




In conclusion, 'Estimation Bill Number Generation' is a feature in RetailEasy POS (or any other POS system) that allows businesses to create professional-looking estimates or quotations for customers and assign a unique identifier or bill number to each estimate and businesses can streamline their sales processes and improve their overall customer experience.





1. What is an estimate or quotation in a POS system, and why is it important?

- An estimate or quotation is a document that outlines the products or services a business is offering to a customer along with their respective costs. It is important as it helps businesses communicate the details of the offer to the customer and provides a basis for negotiations or approvals.


2. Can I reuse a bill number for a new estimate?

- It is not recommended to reuse bill numbers for new estimates as it can lead to confusion and errors in record-keeping. Instead, the system should generate a new unique bill number for each estimate created.


3. How can I convert an estimate into a sales order using the 'Estimation Bill Number Generation' feature?

- Once an estimate has been approved by the customer, the user can convert it into a sales order within the POS system. This typically involves updating the estimate with any changes and then using the system's invoicing or sales order functionality to generate an invoice or sales order with the same bill number as the original estimate.


4. Can I customize the format of the bill numbers generated by the system?

- Yes, in most cases, the POS system allows users to customize the format of the bill numbers generated by the system. This can include using specific prefixes, suffixes, or patterns based on the needs of the business.



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