Executive (Rep) Master

Executive (Rep) Master

Executive Master
  1. Go to Master > Executive
  2. Press F3 to create a new executive
  3. Type the name and phone number (mandatory)
  4. Type the other details if necessary
  5. Press F6 to save once done
Mapping Executive
  1. Go to Customer Master
  2. Select the customer and press F4 to modify
  3. Next to the Rep. option, click the drop-down menu and select the representative to map
  4. Press F6 to save once you are done
Billing with an Executive
  1. Go to Sales Bill Screen
  2. Select the customer for whom you have mapped the executive and press ENTER
  3. The executive box is auto-populated with the mapped executive
  4. You can also change the executive by pressing F7
  5. Proceed with the billing
      Various reports under: Reports > Sales > Rep.

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