Answer: Maybe after year-end, they made an edit so it may not get reflected - so need to do year-end once again in Trac.
06. How to check whether the year-end is completed or not in Trac?
Answer: At the top left end double click On the year and see the year created as "2024-2025".
07. How to check the ledger report?
Answer: Follow the steps to check the ledger report "Trac --> Reports --> account books --> ledger report".
08. How make changing the company name before year-end?
Answer: On the top right corner - Double click and then choose the company need to do and then do the year-end.
09. How to check last year's closing balance and current year's opening value?
Answer: change the year at the top right end to 2023-2024 and then --> reports -account books --> choose ledger and see the closing balance that closing balance will come this year open balance.
10. Expense entry carry forward possible or not?
Answer: No, it won't get carried forward.
11. If the last gross loss shows when it will be reflected for this value in the current year?
Answer: In reserves and surplus ledger need to be checked under "Ledger report".
12. Which system (server or client) is a possible year-end process?
Answer: In server or client both can be done.
13. Is it possible after completing the year-end process new voucher number will be generated?
Answer: Yes, it will be generated from one voucher number.
14. Is it possible for anyone to want some modification in the last year?
Answer: Yes possible and after one time year begin the process.
15. In some ledgers year-end does not happen then what to do?
Answer: Please check it expense ledger or any modified from last year and again do the year-end process.
16. How to modify the opening balance value in Trac?
Answer: Master --> opening balance entry load the ledger name FR key via then press backspace credit and debit column then enter.
17. How to make opening balance entry Trac?
Answer: Master --> opening balance entry.
18. How to make zero value all supplier and customer outstanding value?
Answer: Contact the support team.
19. While doing the payment/receipt entry error message shows "invalid financial year" then what is the procedure?
Answer: Please check which financial year you're entering.
20. What does mean of the year begin process?
Answer: Last year's closing balance current year opening balance.
21. How to check last year's profit?
Answer: In Trac setting --> company/financial period settings There you can see the profit and loss account.
22. Is the master edit previously reflected In the year-end process?
Answer: Yes, It will be reflected after done year-end process.
23. Is that possible to edit last year's entry?
Answer: Yes it is possible once done the year begins process again.
24. Is it possible to start a particular serial number account?
Answer: Yes possible Go to --> master --> voucher type setting then transaction type-wise option there you have an option called Auto and Manual Select Manual to give your particular serial number.
25. What will happen if the opening and closing balance values do not tally?
Answer: Check the year begin process or which ledger is not tallied if is of any expense related
26. How to check the old year transaction in Trac?
Answer: In Trac setting -> Company financial period settings here you can check the Old year transaction details.
27. How to lock the previous year's transaction?
Answer: On the year-end process screen itself you can see an option called LOCK.
28. How to unlock the previous year's transaction?
Answer: To UNLOCK your previous year's transactions, just choose the previous financial year --> disable the LOCK option and do the year-end process again.
29. How to skip my last year's TRAC details and start using accounts freshly?
Answer: If you want to start as fresh accounts, there is no need to do the Year Begin process in accounts. Just choose the current financial year i.e. 2024-2025 and start doing transactions. All the old transactions won't be carried forward to the current financial year.