FAQs - Security Manager

FAQs - Security Manager


01. Brief the purpose of Security Manager in RPOS7.

With Security Manager, you can control and manage the security options, configurations and settings of the users. You can configure user-based menu settings and assign or restrict certain privileges to the users based on the needs. Apart from that, you can create a login for the new users for making transactions.

02. What are the various settings that you can configure with Security Manager? 

  1. Raymedi Desktop Settings - To set up a desktop specific to a RayMedi user with restricted menus
  2. Export/Import settings - To export the configuration settings from one outlet & to import the same in other outlets
  3. Default Master Import - To import the default masters when the users fail to import at the time of installation
  4. Report Settings - To enable or disable certain configurations in reports and to set the password for protecting the configurations
  5. Security Type - To configure individual-based and group/role-based settings
  6. Adding a new user/group
  7. Configuring the menu settings for the new user / new group

03. What is the purpose of activating RayMedi Desktop?

To set up a unique desktop for a specific RayMedi user with restricted menu access. This provides:
  1. Data Security - This adds security to the admin user, preventing other users to view or access certain data
  2. Restricted access - Another advantage is to restrict access to other applications. Only the administrator has access to exit the Raymedi desktop.

04. Brief the purpose of Export/Import settings

The Export/Import settings is useful when you want to use the same configurations and settings in more than one outlets. The settings configured in one outlet can be exported/imported to other outlets.

05. What is Default Master Import?

We are providing some standard sets of masters that are specific for your vertical. If you want to import those masters you can do so at the time of installation. If you do not want to import while installing and want to do later then you can use 'Default Master Import' in the Security Manager screen provided for the purpose. Importing the default masters saves time and you can directly start making the transactions.
Note: Default Master Import can be done in a fresh database only

06. Can I add new data after default master Import?

Yes. You can add new data after importing the default masters.

07. In what ways report settings is useful?

This is useful if you want to configure the settings in the reports section. This allows you to enable or disable the menus on the screen. It also provides options to password protect the screen menus.

08. How can I configure the settings for a user and a group?

Use the security type option. There are two types of Security types:
a. Role-based (for group of users)
b. User-based (for an individual)

The settings can be configured either for a single user (individual-based) or for a group of users (Role based). For role-based settings, the settings configured under the same role is applicable for all the users in the same role.

09. How to add a new user?

  1. In the Security Manager Screen, click Add to add a new user
  2. Enter the mandatory fields viz. username, password, user type etc.
  3. Click Save to save the data and login is created for the new user
  4. The created user name is added in the User List

10. How to configure the settings for a user?

  1. Click Menu Configure of the user.
  2. Select the menus you want to provide access to the user
  3. Click save to save the settings

11. Can I delete a user from the user list?

As of now, we do not have any option for deleting a created user. Alternatively, you can mark the Activation status as 'Inactive' so that this user login can not be used further.

12. How can I protect my data?

  • Restrict the access to only limited menus
  • Use password protection for function keys and screen operations
  • Activate Raymedi desktop to the user to prevent them accessing other applications other than the enabled ones.

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