Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) in GoBill Mobile (SellQuick)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) in GoBill Mobile (SellQuick)

1. What if I lost my internet connection? Will GoBill Mobile still work?
Yes absolutely! Continue to bill offline and sync them online later when the internet connection resumes.

 2. How does the sync between GoBill Mobile and POS Server happen? Is it automatic?
Yes, the sync is done automatically for the purpose of real-time billing, However, you can perform a manual sync from GoBill Mobile whenever there are changes made in the POS server and you want those changes to reflect in GoBill Mobile.
3. Can I perform sales returns for the bills that are created in POS?
Yes! Sales return can be processed for bills made in GoBill Mobile, POS server, and other POS clients as well, making It a good fit for exclusive sales return counter.
4. Can GoBill Mobile be mapped to a POS printer?
GoBill Mobile counter can be mapped to the printer of the POS server but it cannot be mapped to the printer of a POS client. So, the bills made in GoBill Mobile can be printed from a printer connected with the POS server alone and not from any of the POS clients.

 5. Is it possible to do paperless billing with GoBill Mobile?
Yes, GoBill Mobile supports SMS and e-mail invoicing, making it a perfect option for paperless billing.

6. What is the difference between internet mode and intranet mode in GoBill Mobile?
If the POS server and GoBill Mobile are connected via LAN (same internet connection) is it called intranet mode. 
If the POS server and GoBill Mobile are connected via two different internet connections, then it is called internet mode. 

7. Can multiple users use GoBill Mobile on the same device? Is it possible for the user to change the device anytime?
Yes, multiple users can log in to GoBill Mobile on the same device. However, it is not possible for the user to change the device anytime. For a single license of GoBill Mobile, multiple users can log in to one device but as one user at a time. 

 8. Is Sales Order (SO) feature available in GoBill Mobile?
Yes, GoBill Mobile has Sales Order (SO) feature. It can raise Sales Order from the GoBill Mobile app and can load Sales Order to the cart. 

9. Will the bill sequence number overlap with the that of POS server?
It is totally up to you. You can either maintain a unique bill sequence for all your mobile counters or you can have a continuous invoice sequence.

10. Can we set item favorite's user-wise dynamically for GoBill mobile? If yes, how?


-    Yes, we can set Favorite's user wise.


     Steps to be followed:                


  1. Open Gofrugal Retaileasy and go to Tools -> Configuration -> Configuration.
  2. Select Common setting and then GoBill mobile, Set ‘Item Favorite's based on’ to User Wise and then save it.
  3. Now we can set item favorite's in GoBill mobile user-wise



11.  Can we set Price level in GoBill mobile? If yes how?


No, we cannot set price level in GoBill mobile.  We can set price level in POS and can apply it in GoBill mobile.


Steps to be followed:

  1. Create price level in POS (PriceLevel Generic)
  2. In RetailEasy, go to Tools -> Configuration -> "Enable price level" enable this configuration.
  3. In RetailEasy, enable pricelevel for user under Security manager -> Sales -> Sales bills -> Enable price level for the logged in user (under function key).
  4. Perform incremental sync.  Now user can apply price level in GoBill mobile.

12.  Is Salesman commission available in GoBill mobile? If yes, what type is available?

Yes, Salesman commissions is available in GoBill mobile. Commission type is not supported, the commission set in Salesman master will be applied for the bills in SellQuik



Prerequisite : Salesman must be created in retaileasy and commission needs to be given.


Steps to be followed:


  1. Login to GoBill mobile application and select the item.
  2. Go to cart and click on the add icon and then click on ‘Salesman Name’.
  3. Select the salesman and click on tick icon.
  4. Now salesman will be added for the bill and click on PAY button.
  5. Choose the Payment Group, Enter the Amount and click on Tender so the bill will be generated.
  6. To view the salesman commission for each bill, go to RetailEasy and in the report ‘Salesman wise commission’ we can see the commission earned for each bill.

13.  Can we do offline billing in GoBill mobile? If yes, how?

 Yes, we can do offline billing in GoBill mobile.  User should open session in online mode and we can turn off internet and continue billing in GoBill mobile.


14. Is email invoicing possible for bills made in GoBill mobile? If yes, how to configure the same?


Yes, We can configure to email the invoice for bills made from GoBill mobile.


Steps to be followed:



Open Retaileasy, go to Tools -> Configuration -> Configuration, enable the config ‘Allow E-mail Invoice in GoBill mobile’

Note: Mail setting for the print profile must be done in Smart reports, so bills from GoBill mobile will be printed and simultaneously copy of invoice will be sent as email to the customer


 15. Is print from POS option available in GoBill mobile? If yes, how to configure the server printer with GoBill mobile?


Yes, we can configure to print the bills made from GoBill mobile to print from the Printer mapped to POS.


Steps to be followed:


  1. Login to GoBill mobile application -> go to settings -> Printers, click on select printer and choose the printer as ‘None’.
  2. Open Retaileasy -> Go to device settings -> For Sales (Primary Profile) click on the profile and select print design.
  3. For the profile click on Printer settings and select the printer, from now the bills made from GoBill mobile will print from the printer mapped to server.