Generation selection

Physical Inventory - Generation Selection

Generation Selection

This section guides you on how to load items. You can choose to load all items at once, create a blank page, load only the items selected through a filter, or load items that were not included in the previous stock-taking process.

Select the appropriate option to load the items for physical inventory.

The Generation Selection section displays the following options:

  1. Generate all items in the selected group.
  2. Create a new blank physical inventory count for manual entry
  3. Generate all items in the specified filter.
  4. Generate for all items with a last counted date older than the specified
The items are loaded on the physical inventory screen based on the selection.

1. Generate all items in the selected group

Selecting this option loads all the items on the physical entry screen. Further, you can filter manufacturer-wise and Distributor-wise items using the options provided.

Use this option to load all the items selected in the group. To select the group, select from the following options under the Group Selection section.

  • All Items - All items will be loaded
  • Only items from selected Manufacturer - items of the selected manufacturer will be loaded
  • Only items from selected division - items of the selected division will be loaded

2. Create a new blank physical inventory count for manual entry
Selecting this option will create a blank screen. You need to select and load the items manually from the item LOV.

3. Generate for all items in the specified filer
Use this option to filter certain items based on their attributes and then load them into the physical entry screen.

Select this option and click
Generate. A confirmation message is displayed to proceed. Click Yes. The Apply filter screen is displayed.


The Select is a drop-down field and displays the following options-
  1. Item name
  2. Rack number
  3. Shelf number
  4. Box number
  5. Status of batch
  6. Category

For standard items, most Item name is selected.


The Condition is a drop-down field and displays the following operators-
  1. Like
  2. = (Equal to)
  3. <> (Not equal to)


In the Select drop-down field, select item Name

In the Condition drop-down field, select the operator '='

Enter the item Name under the select field.

Click Add.


The item name is added in the Apply filter section.

Click Apply to load the items as defined in the filter.
Click Cancel. A confirmation message to load all the items is displayed. Click Yes to load all the items (or) Click No to cancel the operation.

4. Generate for all items with a last counted date older than the specified
Use this option to load the items that were counted in the previous stock-taking. In the Date field, select the date for taking the stock.

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