How to manager Godown wise transactions - GOFRUGAL ManageEasy - DE6

How to manager Godown wise transactions

Configuring the options in the Tools-options-options
  1. Type Options in the menu search box and press enter or go to tools-options-optionsTools-options-options
  2. Type Godown and press ENTER or go to Master settings- Click on general settings- Enable the Godown wise billing. 
  3. Enable the Godown-wise Billing option by pressing the spacebar
  4. Now type godown in the search box again and press entergodown
  5. Select 'Multi Godown stock Maintain and enable the option by pressing the spacebar.
  6. Select the 'Stock Maintain' option below that and press F2 to edit it. 
  7. Select 'All Stock Godown' and press enter
  8. Save and exit
Godown Master
  1. Go to Master > Godown
  2. Press F3 to create a new godown
  3. Type the Godown name and the other details
  4. Set the Bill Serial parameter so that all the bills from this godown will have the specified Serial prefix like SA ( we can need to type manually)
  5. Enable Allow stock transfer if you wish to transfer between godowns
Purchase Entery for Godown
  1. Go to Inventory > Purchase
  2. Type in all the details such as date, invoice number, type, etc.
  3. Start typing the product's name and set the details such as QTY, FQTY, etc.
  4. At the end after entering the details, select the godown from the list. The respective Godown's stock will be affected.
  5. Repeat the process for all the items in the purchase
  6. Save the purchase
Godown Transfer
  1. Go to Inventory > Godown-wise transaction > Godown Transfer
  2. Select the Transfer to Godown ID from the list and press enter(select the godown name for which you are going to transfer)
  3. Select the products for this transfer
  4. Press F2 to save the transfer
      Inventory > Godown-Wise Transaction > Godown Transaction Reports

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