Group with Bill amount offer

How to create a group with bill amount offer?

The group with Bill amount offer

The following offers are applicable to selling an X group with a specified bill amount.

1. Group with bill amount - Disc% (To offer N% discount on X group for the specified bill amount
2. Group with bill amount - Disc Amt (To offer N amount discount on X group for the specified bill amount)
Group with bill amount - Free (To offer X group free for the specified bill amount)
Group with bill amount - Spl (To offer X group on special price for the specified bill amount)
Group with bill amount - Bill Disc% (To offer N% discount on the total bill amount for the specified bill amount on selling X group )
6. Group with bill amount - Bill Disc Amt (To offer N amount discount on the total bill amount for the specified bill amount on selling X group)
Group with bill amount - All Item from the group (To offer on an identified item from a group for the specified bill amount on selling X group)


Click Sales >> Offer Management to open the Offer Management screen.
1. Creating Group with Bill amount - Disc%
Use this offer to give N% discount on X group


Promotion Details:

1. In the Offer Name field, enter the offer name.
2. In the Offer Family field, select the offer Group with Bill Amt
- Disc%.
3. The Description field displays the description:
Buy X group with purchase on a range of bill amount and get a N % discount offer on X.

Offer on Product:

1. The Condition field is read-only. It displays the options: Equal to, Greater than or equal to and Range.
In the Condition field, select the option Greater than or equal to. Press the space bar to change the option.
2. In the Value field, enter the value for the bill offer.
3. In the Notify when the amount reaches the field, enter the value. The system displays a notification message when you are short of the difference between the offer amount and the bill amount.

Offer on Group:

1. In the Code field, press Enter. The Item LOV is displayed. Select the item group from the LOV.
2. In the Offer on the field, press Enter. The select LOV is displayed. Select the option Amount.
3. In the Condition field, press Enter and select  Greater than or Equal to.
4. In the Value field, enter the amount for which the offer is applicable.
5. In the Get Dis% field, enter the discount value offered for the item.
In the Apply to the field, press Enter to select the option All items.
7. Click Save to save the offer.

2. Creating Group with Bill amount - Disc Amt
Use this offer to give N amount discount on X Group.


Promotion Details:

1. In the Offer Family field, select the offer Group with Bill Amt - Disc Amt.
2. The Description field displays the description:
Buy X group with purchase on a range of bill amount and get N amount discount offer on X Group.

Offer on Product:

In the Condition, Value and Notify when the amount reaches fields,
enter the details as shown for Group with Bill amount - Disc%.

Offer on Group:

1. In the Code, Offer on, ConditionValue & Apply to fields, enter the details as shown for Group with Bill amount - Disc%.
2. In the Get Dis Amt field, enter the discount value offered for the item.
3. Click Save to save the offer.

3. Creating Group with Bill amount - Free
Use this offer to give a free item from X group.


Promotion Details:

1. In the Offer Family field, select the offer Group with Bill Amt - Free.
2. The Description field displays the description:
Buy X group with purchase on a range of bill amount and get X free.

Offer on Product:

In the Condition, Value and Notify when the amount reaches fields, enter the details as shown for Group with Bill amount - Disc%.

Offer on Group:

1. In the Code, Offer on, Condition, Value & Apply to fields, enter the details as shown for Item with Bill amount - Disc%.
2. In the Get Free Qty field, enter the value of the free quantity offered.
3. Click Save to save the offer.

4. Creating Group with Bill amount - Spl price
Use this offer to offer one or more items from X Group at a special price.


Promotion Details:

1. In the Offer Family field, select the offer Item with Bill Amt - Spl price.
2. The Description field displays the description:
Buy X group with purchase on a range of bill amount and get X on a special price.

Offer on Product:

In the Condition, Value and Notify when the amount reaches fields, enter the details as shown for Group with Bill amount - Disc%.

Offer on Group:

1. In the Code, Offer on, Condition, Value & Apply to fields, enter the details as shown for Group with Bill amount - Disc%.
2. In the Get Offer price field, enter the value of the free quantity offered.
3. Click Save to save the offer

Note: In this offer, the item having the least price in the X group will be considered for the offer.

5. Creating Group with Bill amount - Bill Disc%
Use this offer to give a N% discount on the bill.


Promotion Details:

1. In the Offer Family field, select the offer Group with Bill Amt - Bill Disc %.
2. The Description field displays the description:
Buy X group with purchase on a range of bill amount and get N% discount offer on bill amount.

Offer on Product:

1. In the Condition, Value and Notify when the amount reaches fields, enter the details as shown for Group with Bill amount - Disc%.
2. In the Get Disc % on Bill field, enter the discount value for the bill amount.

Offer on Group:

1. In the Code, Offer on, Condition & Value fields, enter the details as shown for Group with Bill amount - Disc%.
2. Click Save to save the offer

6. Creating Item with Bill amount - Bill Disc Amt
Use this offer to give N amount discount on the bill.


Promotion Details:

1. In the Offer Family field, select the offer Group with Bill Amt - Bill Disc Amt.
2. The Description field displays the description:  
Buy X group with purchase on a range of bill amount and get N amount discount offer on the bill amount

Offer on Product:

1. In the Condition, Value and Notify when the amount reaches fields, enter the details as shown for Group with Bill amount - Disc%.
2. In the Get Disc Amt on Bill field, enter the discount value for the bill amount.

Offer on Group:

1. In the Code, Offer on, Condition & Value fields, enter the details as shown for Group with Bill amount - Disc%.
2. Click Save to save the offer

7. Creating Item with Bill amount - All Item from group
Use this offer to give a N% discount on the bill and offer an item free or on a special price/discount.


Promotion Details:

1. In the Offer Family field, select the offer Group with Bill Amt - All items from the group.
2. The Description field displays the description:
Buy X group with purchase on a range of bill amount and get an offer on the identified items from the group.

Offer on Product:

1. In the Condition, Value and Notify when the amount reaches fields, enter the details as shown for Group with Bill amount - Disc%.
2. In the Get Disc % on Bill field, enter the discount value for the bill amount.

Offer on Group:

1. In the Code, Offer on, Condition & Value fields, enter the details as shown for Group with Bill amount - Disc%.

Offer on identified Item:

1. The offer type filed is a read-only field and displays the options: Free, Special rate, Discount%, and Discount amount. Select the option Free.
2. In the Item code filed, press Enter to select the item.
3. In the Value field, enter the value.
4. In the Apply To field, select the option First.
Click Save to save the offer.
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