How to configure your e-mail with integration portal to send e-mail notification

How to configure your e-mail with integration portal to send e-mail notification?

Now engage your customers more with E-mail notifications. Along with SMS and App notifications, now you can also send e-mail notifications to your app users. Just like SMS and App notifications, there are certain events on which these notifications will be triggered. Events like...

For end-user:
1. New Order Creation
2. Order Status update
3. Delivery Slot Reschedule.

For shop admin:
1. New Order Creation

Note: The content for these E-mail notifications is fixed. You can view it by clicking on the 'Preview' button in Notification -> Customer/Admin screen.

**An E-mail notification on 'New Order Creation'.

A) Pre-requisites:
Before we get into the configuration process, first let us check on a few pre-requisites...

If you are configuring it with your Gmail account make sure that the following settings are done.

Step 1:  To enable less secure apps in your Gmail account:


Step 2:  To disable  two-step verification in your Gmail account:


Step 3: To disable captcha verification:

Yahoo mail:
If you are configuring it with your Yahoo mail, then no special setting is needed. Just open our Yahoo mail account -> Click on 'Account info' from your profile -> Click on 'Account Security' -> Click on 'Generate and manage app passwords' -> Now enter your app name ->  Click on 'Generate Password' button -> Now copy the generated password and paste it in integration portal 'e-mail notification settings'.

2) Configuration:

Once the above pre-requisites are done, you'll need to configure your GOFRUGAL integration portal for email notifications

Step to configure email notifications in the OrdeEasy integration portal.


Step 1:
Log in to the Integration Portal.

Step 2:
Go to... Notification -> Settings

Step 3:
Click on the 'EMAIL CONFIGURATION' tab to enter the settings,

i) From Email ID: Enter the 'FROM' email id here. This is the ID from which the notifications will be sent.

ii) SMTP Host Name: Enter the 'SMTP Host Name' of your email service brand.
a) for Gmail -

b) for Yahoo -

iii) SMTP Port Number: Enter the 'SMTP Port Number' of your email service brand.

a) for Gmail - 25, 587, and 465

b) for Yahoo - 25 and 587

You can click on the 'Check Port Status' button to see if the entered port number is correct or not.


Note: Only in the case of GMAIL. Once you enter the 'From Email ID', the SMTP host name and port number will auto-populate. In case if you want to change it, it is editable.


iv) Email Password: Enter the password of your email login.

Note: In the case of Yahoo mail, copy-paste the password generated on the 'Account Security' screen of your email 'Profile info'.


v) Sender Name: Enter the name you want to send the email notification with.

vi) To E-mail ID: Enter the email id to whom you want to send an email to test your email configuration and then click on the "Send Test Mail" button to check whether the mail is being sent or not.

Once all the mandatory information is filled in, click on the 'Save' button at the bottom to save the setting.