Step 1:Go to Inventory -> Proforma Step 2: Select the proforma type as Purchase Order and press Enter Step 3: Select the Supplier Code from the Supplier Details drop-down menu Step 4:Select the Item Name from the item details drop-down menu by pressing the Starting letter Step 5: Enter the Quantity (Purchase Quantity) and Press Enter key Step 6: Choose any discount Step 7:Enter the free quantity and press the Enter key to continue entering the next item Step 8: Press <F2> to save the bill Step 9: Go to Inventory -> Purchase Step 10: Select the bill type and press Enter Step 11: Enter the invoice number Step 12: Select the supplier from the drop-down menu Step 13: Press Ctrl + P Step 14: Select the Purchase order from the drop-down menu Step 15: Press <F2> key to "save" the entry Step 16: Enter the invoice amount Step 17: Select the relevant printing option
From the version of we have given a new option of Don't Allow to edit rates with Purchase from PO only. When enabled, the rate editing will be restricted when a purchase order is loaded in purchase screen. In order to enable this option ...
Purchase Order in simple terms is the contract drafted by the buyer when purchasing goods from the seller. The purchase order number is matched to the purchase invoice to confirm whether the buyer is charged the right amount for the goods and to ...
Go to Master > MFR / Company Master. Click on New to create a new company. Enter the mandatory fields: Short Name, Company Name, Company / Division. To set a company as a division of another company, select Division in the Company/Division option and ...
Here explaining how to create new tax master. 1. Go to Masters-->Tax. 2. Click New button or Press F3 button to create New Tax. 3. Choose Vatsales or CST sales Vatsales-->For creating local tax CSTSales-->For creation interstate tax 4. Type the print ...
What is Sales Order? A Sales Order includes the specifics of the goods that a customer has requested, along with its cost, and quantity. This helps the seller to ensure if the required amount of stock is present and if not the stocks can be made ...