How to create an Assembly Item in ServQuick?

How to create an Assembly Item in ServQuick?


Let me explain to you the purpose of creating an Assembly Item. Assembly item is nothing but a combination of items. For example, take Apple milkshake. Here Apple milkshake is an Assembly item and the ingredients used here are Apple, sugar, and milk (they will be mapped with the assembly item). So each time you sell an Assembly item, the ingredients used will be reduced from the inventory.


Note: Usually Assembly Items don't have inventory. So you can't keep track of it. You can manage inventory only for the mapped ingredients used to prepare an Assembly Item. 



  • Minimize manual updating errors in inventory, by mapping the ingredients for an Assembly Item and leaving stock updating in the hands of this automation feature.

  • By planning and mapping the right ingredients required, wastage of ingredients will be highly reduced

  • Avoid the act of pilferage in your business by mapping the ingredients in advance. Because it may even lead to out-of-stock all of a sudden.


Steps to create an Assembly Item in ServQuick


-->Before creating an Assembly Item make sure that Enable Assembly is given as 'Yes'. Only then the stock of the ingredients mapped in assembly items will be deducted.


Step1: Go to Settings > Under Configuration > Select Sales Configuration



Step2: Make sure that Enable Assembly is enabled and click on Save



Step3: Go to Master > Under Menu > Select Item



Step4: Click on Add item at the top right corner



Step5: Now enter all the details like Name, Preparation Status, Category, Food type, Price

  • In the Name field, enter the item name.

  • In the Category field, select a category of the item or create a new Category.

  • Choose the Preparation Status as Assembly.

  • In the Tax type filed, select the tax type as GST/VAT.

  • In the Color field, select a color for the item.

  • Enter the desired Selling Price under the pricing field.

  • Click on Save after entering all the details.


Steps to map the ingredients to the Assembly Item


Step1: Go to Masters > Under Combo > Select Assembly



Step2: Click on Add Assembly Items



Step3: Enter all the mandatory fields like Assembly Name, Variant, Config. quantity, Selling price

  • Choose the Assembly Name. Here I am choosing Apple Milkshake.

  • Choose the Variant as Regular.

  • Enter the config quantity. It is nothing but the quantity of the Assembly item that we can prepare using the mapped ingredients.

  • Enter the Selling price and Cost price of the item.

Note: Make sure that the Selling price is greater than the Cost price.

  • Under Item Mapping > Enter the Item Name, Variant Name, UOM, Quantity. Here I am adding apple, milk, and sugar.

  • Click on Save after adding all the details.


Step4: To check the Assembly item, Under Sales > Select Sales option and add the Assembly item to the cart



Step5: click on Pay > Click on Tender



-->If you want to check if the inventory of the ingredients is reduced for the Assembly item, Go to Reports > Under Preparation > Select Assembly Management Sales Detail. There you can see the inventory of the ingredients mapped to the Assembly Item.



By using this feature, you don't have to worry about managing inventory, especially during peak hours!





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