How to create an item in ServQuick version 2.13?

How to create an item in ServQuick version 2.13?

What is an item master?


Master is where all the records related to all products are stored. An item master contains all the details of items along with their pricing and quantity. In item master, the item is classified into four categories as:


  • Trade As Is

  • Kit

  • Assembly

  • Combo


Trade As Is:

As the name suggests, the items are sold as-is without adding any other items. For example, if an item called black forest cake is created, then that is a separate item that is created with its variants available.



The kit is the ingredient list of a particular item. For example, if we create a kit item called a milkshake, then milk, sugar, ice cream can be created as the ingredients and added to the kit.



Assembly item is where you assemble items that have some similar ingredients and special ingredients along with their variants. For example, Milkshake can be created as an assembly and Chocolate milkshake, Vanilla Milkshake, Kit-Kat Shake, etc. can be added to the assembly as they all are similar in preparation but vary with just one or two ingredients added while preparing.



A combo is a collection of two or more items put together as a single item. For example, a combo called a Jumbo lunch box can be created and items such as roti, biriyani, curd rice, pappad, gravy, curry, etc. can be added to that combo.


Categorizing the items this way to organize their menu thereby making it easier for customers to make an order.


How to create an item?


Step 1:


On the main page, click on Masters--> Menu--> Item.




Step 2:


You will find the list of all items along with their price and created date. Click on Add Item to navigate to the item creation page.




Step 3:



  • Now, enter the name of the item, preparation status (if it is Trade As Is/Kit/Assembly/Combo).

  • Each item is grouped into separate categories.

  • Choose the category of the item that you are about to create from the Category dropdown.

  • Choose the FoodType if it is vegetarian/Non-Vegetarian/Eggetarian/ Not Applicable.

  • Enter the EAN (European Article Number) code for the item. To know more about what EAN code is, refer to EAN Code.

  • Display order describes the order in which you want the item to be displayed.

  • The kitchen Order option is used for any specific instructions that need to be followed for a particular item.

  • The Color options are used for easy identification of items by selecting their color. You can also upload an image of that item in the upload option. This will help to identify the item easily.


Step 4:


In the UOM Mapping section, enter the Base UOM, Sub UOM, and its conversion rate. 


What is UOM?


UOM (Unit of Measurement) is used when we are specific about the quantity of the item that we are selling. For example, if you want to sell 500grams of black forest and the inventory has 5 kgs of that item, then you can use UOM to convert the quantity to the desired amount and make the billing.


If you are not going to trade it in the same quantity, then you will have to enter the actual quantity unit, the quantity that you want it in, and its conversion rate.


Base UOM is the quantity from which you want to convert. (5 Kgs i.e Kilograms)


Sub UOM is the quantity to which the conversion is to be made. (500 gms i.e Grams)


Sub UOM Conversion is the value difference between the two units. (1000)





Step 5:


You can enable the weighing-enabled option when you want to weigh the item.




Step 6:


Inventory applicable option can be enabled if the item needs to be tracked. Stock, transactions are tracked for that particular item, when the inventory applicable option is enabled.




Step 7:


You can enter the minimum and maximum quantity of the item stock that you have.



Step 8:


In the Sales section, you can enter the number of decimal places to be rounded off in sales price in No. of decimals for Fractional Qty. You can also choose the Discount type if you want it to be in amount or percentage.




Step 9:


In the Pricing section, you can enter the selling price, Cost price, discount rate, packing amount, Stock Keeping Unit (to track the stock), Apply for online. If "apply for online" is enabled, then the item is displayed on the sales screen.



Step 10:


You can also enter the variant of that item. You can add as many variants as you want for that particular item.


Step 11:


In the Online Sales section, the Recommended item is enabled when you want to promote that item on the sales screen. When you want the customers to try out the item, then you can enable the recommended item option. In Item Description, you can add a catchy description of the item as the customers will get an idea of what that item is and about the ingredients added.



Step 13:


In the Taxes section,

  • From the GST dropdown, you can select the percentage of GST for that item.

  • If tax is implied for that item, then you can enable, tax inclusive option.

  • If the service charge is applicable, then you can enable the service charge applicable.




Step 13:


Item modifier section indicates the add-ons that are provided for that item. You can choose the modifier that you want to add for that item.





Step 14:


If you are unable to find the desired modifier, then you can add a new modifier set.



Step 15:


Enter the name of the modifier for that item.




Step 16:


Add relevant description to the modifier in Description.




Step 17:


In the Options section, you can enter the variant name, its price, UOM and apply for online as you did while creating an item.




Step 18:


After entering all details, click on Save.


Step 19:


You will receive the success message once its saved.



Step 20:


After adding the modifier that you want, click on Save.



Step 21:


You will receive a success message, after the item is successfully added.



Step 22:


You can view the item that you have added in search item.



Step 23:


An item once added cannot be canceled. You can change the Status of the item to Inactive if you are not using that item.



Thus, you can follow these simple steps to create an item in ServQuick in no time.
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