The Main category is the highest level of hierarchy and the subcategory is the next level, in the structure of maintaining the items. The Main category is a collection of subcategories and so the main category provides a common identity to all the subcategories. For example, the main category 'Department' will include the subcategories Foods, Personal Care, Skin Care, Pooja items, Stationery, etc., and the Main category 'Brand' will include the subcategories ITC, Unilever, Nestle, etc.,
Benefits of creating a category:
- Main categories allow items to be placed in one or more groups and allow those groups to be further categorized as Subcategories.
- Creating the main category and subcategory makes it easy to identify all the entities that fall under the same category, thus saving time by ruling out the necessity to search for a particular item, from a large list.
- For example, consider an example of the item 'Sunfeast' biscuit. First, we need to know the Main category. Here, 'Department' and 'Brand' are the main categories. Next out of the multiple subcategories under each main category, we need to know the subcategory for our item. The subcategories are 'Foods' under the main category 'Department' and 'ITC' under the main category 'Brand' Under these subcategories, 'Foods' and 'ITC' there will be multiple items, out which we will be able to see our item 'Sunfeast'.
How to create a Category and Item?
Note: Kindly ensure that the application is in the latest patch
Step 1: In the RetailEasy (RPOS 6.5) screen, go to Inventory --> Miscellaneous --> Category Manager. The "Update Categories" dialog box will appear.

Step 2: In the "Update Categories" dialog box, enter the Main categories in the column "Category Name" and mention the status as "Y" in the "Active" column to make the category active. You can create a maximum of 10 categories. Click on "Update"

Step 3: Now, the main category has been created. The Next step is to create the subcategories under the main category. For creating a subcategory, go to Inventory--> Masters --> Category Master. The "Category Master" window will appear.

Step 4: In the Category Master dialog box, press Enter by placing the cursor in the 'Category' field. You will be able to see the main categories in the Category details popup window at the bottom left of the screen.

Step 5: After selecting the category, it will appear in the 'Category' column. Now enter the subcategory name in the 'Category name' column and click on 'Save'.

Step 6: If you wish to create multiple subcategories, follow the same procedure in Step 4 and Step 5.

Step 7: You have created main categories and subcategories. Now enter the item in Item Master (Inventory --> Master--> Item Master) and map it with the categories.

To edit the Subcategory name: Press F4 or click on the 'Change' button at the bottom in the 'Category Master' window. Edit the subcategory and click on the 'Save' button at the bottom or press F6 to save.