How to create delivery boys and map the delivery boys in RPOS 7?

How to create delivery boys and map the delivery boys in RPOS 7?

1. Open the POS in server and go to the Help-->About GOFRUGAL RetailEasy

2. In the About GOFRUGAL RetailEasy select 'Add on License'.



3. Scroll for 'Delivery App' and click on 'Try & Buy'.

4. You will be able to see "Delivery App" as activated with the validity date and License type as Trial.



5. Now click on 'sync', once the synchronization is completed click on 'Close' Button


Let's see how to create the Delivery Boy in Pos:-

1.Go to Sales--> Masters--> Delivery Boy.



2. Enter the 'Name' of the Delivery Boy and other details.
3. Select Mobile Access as 'Yes', enter the 'Password' and Press 'F6' or click on 'Save' to save.



Note: We have to ensure that no two delivery boys are having the same mobile number.


Let's see how to Map the user in Pos for GoDeliver:-

1.Go to Help-->About Gofrugal RetailEasy -->Add On License.

2. For the Delivery App click on the Map User and enable the status for the Delivery Boy using a space bar and click on close.



3. Now click on sync and once the synchronization is completed all the mapped delivery boys will be displayed in the integration portal.