Kitchen Display system: It is a digital order viewer that replaces your paper tickets and kitchen printers. In olden times, the waiter used to take orders and manually deliver the paper tickets of that order to the kitchen for food preparation then kitchen printers were used. But these two methods are not that efficient in fast-moving restaurants. Therefore by Introducing KDS, the quality of the service and sales have been increased.
☆ It will avoid confusion. For example, If a customer wants to change or cancel the order it will be automatically updated once the changes are done.
☆ There will be accuracy in order prioritization
☆ Most of the solution providers only have KDS for Dine-in, Take away & Delivery orders. In ServQuick we provide KDS for online orders also
To do KDS in ServQuick:
Step 1: Sales -> KDS.
Step 2: Check the order type.
Table orders for Dine-in, sales bill for Take away & online orders.
Step 3: In the ticket, you can see from which table the order has been placed, KOT number, order pending time, date and time.
The Kitchen staff can update the ticket either by choosing the item or choosing the order.
Step 4: Accept the order by clicking on the ticket.
When you update ticket the colour of the ticket will be changed.
Red - New order
Orange - Order in process
Green - Order is ready
Blue - order is served
Step 5: Once the order is ready, update the ticket by clicking on it.
The ticket will be changed into green colour after updating the order.
Step 6: Once the order is served, update the ticket by clicking on it. ( The ticket will be changed into blue colour after updating the order)
You can close the ticket by refreshing or you can set a buffer time to remove the ticket automatically from the list.
With these simple steps, you can use KDS to save time and increase the order efficiency.