How to do stock count for items with EAN codes, using GoSure StockTake?

How to do stock count for items with EAN codes, using GoSure StockTake?

There are certain cases where both barcodes and EAN codes will be present in a retail store. In such cases, configuring the barcode scanner to scan both these types of barcodes is a difficult task. By enabling Global Scanning mode, you can scan both types of barcodes without any other configurations.

Benefits of Global scanning mode:

By enabling the 'Global Scanning mode' you can scan EAN codes of items in addition to barcodes of items.You can scan the barcodes by selecting individual items, and reconciliation can be done item-wise.


How to scan barcodes and EAN codes of items without any hassle?

Step 1: In the GoSure web-app, go to Settings --> Stock Taking configuration, and select the check box "Enable Global scanning mode", and click on "Apply".



Step 2: When the stock taker scans the EAN code, it will take you to the item details screen, as show in the last image below.


Step 3: You can either scan the barcode by clicking on 'Start Scan' or you can enter the item count directly by entering the quantity in the 'Total' field as highlighted in the last image above. Given below are examples for both the cases possible:

Example for Case (i) : In the below image, you can find that once the EAN code is scanned, it will take to the Item details screen. By clicking on the 'Start Scan', you can scan the barcodes of that particular item and complete the stock count.


Example for Case (ii) : In the below image, you can find that once the EAN code is scanned, it will take to the Item details screen. You can confirm the stock count by directly entering the quantity in the 'Total' field.




What will happen if the scanned barcode is not an EAN code?

If the scanned barcode is not an EAN code, you can confirm the stock count by scanning the barcode directly from the next screen.

For example, the item given below "Apple Bottles" does not have an EAN code. If you scan the barcode of an item, it will take you to the item barcode scanning screen. Upon scanning the barcode, the stock count will increase for that particular batch of an item.



How to see the batch-wise barcode and its count?

Step1: You can see the counted barcodes in the GoSure StockTake mobile app, by clicking on the count entered in the "TOTAL" field.

Step 2: If you have made a stock count entry for multiple barcodes (multiple batches) of the same item, you will be able to see the barcodes and its corresponding stock count, by clicking on the total stock count in "TOTAL".

Step 3: After the stock count for batchwise barcode is submitted from the mobile app, you will be able to see that item in the Discrepancy report in case of mismatch between system stock and physical stock.

Step 4: From this report, you can view the split up of overall physical stock by clicking on the "View Batches" button adjacent to the Item Name.



Step 5: You will see the detailed discrepancy information of the selected item in a small window, and there will be a button called "Batch-wise Barcode" visible in the left.

Step 6: By clicking on "Batch-wise Barcode", you can see the spilt of stock count for multiple barcodes of the same item. The normal stock as well as damage stock for each barcode and its status will be visible along with the batch details in the top.




By enabling this configuration, you can scan the EAN codes, in addition to the barcodes pasted in your store.When the EAN codes are scanned, it will take you to the manual entry screen, where either you can enter the count manually or scan the EAN codes as well. Therefore, this configuration helps in doing stock count for items with EAN code, and do stock updation and reconciliation barcodewise.