Showing PO quantity in Gosure mobile app

How to enable showing PO quantity in mobile in GoSure GRN (RetailEasy7)?

The major challenge in making GRN for delivered goods is ensuring that GRN quantity and the PO quantity match and there is no discrepancy in delivery of goods against the issued purchase order. To guarantee no mismatch, there should be transparency in the ordered quantity to the GRN pickers. We have the option to achieve this using the configuration in the GRN web app.


Benefits of Show PO quantity in mobile:

By enabling this configuration in the GRN web app, the GRN pickers will be able to view the PO quantity and GRN quantity on a single screen, such that they will be able to do the scanning without any discrepancy.


How to enable showing PO quantity in mobile in GoSure (RetailEasy7)?


Pre-requisite: Enable "Show PO quantity in mobile" in GoSure GRN web-app under Configuration tab.



Example: Let us consider the above example where the Supplier is 'Amman Agency' and PO No. is 77. There is only 1 item in the PO, with Item code 16226 and its quantity is 3.

Step 1:  In the GoSure mobile app, under the GRN tab, click on "+Supplier Details" and enter the Supplier name. You can also enter the invoice details if required.

NOTE: Enable the configuration "Allow GRN picker to enter Invoice No and Invoice amount from mobile" in GRN web-app to show the Invoice fields in mobile.  


Step 2: Click on the "+PO" button at the right-top of the 'Add Header Details' dialog box and select the PO from the list.


NOTE: Enable the configuration "Allow to receive GRN against PO from mobile itself" in the GRN web app to make the "+PO" button visible in GRN mobile app.

Step 3: In the GRN entry screen, enter the Item code manually or scan the barcode to load the item by clicking on "Start Scan".

Step 4: You can now see the GRN quantity in the "Stock" field and the PO quantity of scanned items in the "PO Qty" field. The "PO MRP" field is also visible. Click on "Scan Done".


Step 5: If the GRN quantity is greater than the PO Qty, a pop-up will be displayed for the same and upon pressing "Okay" for confirmation, the stock is displayed in the 'GRN Cart' screen.

NOTE: If you enable the configuration "GRN quantity should not be greater than PO quantity",  the GRN picker will not be able to make GIN with GRN qty greater than PO qty.


Step 6: Click on "Done". The GIN is made and sent to the GRN web app for final submission.




If the configuration "Show PO quantity in mobile" is disabled, the GRN picker cannot view the PO quantity in the GoSure mobile app.





By enabling this configuration in the web app, there will be transparency in the ordered quantity to the GRN pickers such that the GRN pickers will be able to view the PO quantity and GRN quantity in a single screen ensuring there is no mismatch while making GIN.