How to implement the Official WhatsApp integration with Meta by Gofrugal Alerts for your business?

How to implement the Official WhatsApp integration with Meta by Gofrugal Alerts for your business?

Gofrugal has integrated directly with Meta for Official WhatsApp integration through the Cloud API rolled out by Meta.

The setup and implementation for this integration is uber easy for anyone to do it by themselves. The implementation steps are as follows:

Pre-requisites -


Kindly note down the pre-requisites in the above document and keep them ready before you begin the below implementation steps


Step 1: Meta Developer registration in facebook 


Step 2: Webhook configuration in Facebook  


Step 3: Whatsapp Business verification

Note : The mobile number to be given in this step for business verification is the existing number used in everyday business, but not the new number got for this integration.
Also, in the field 'Website' add the URL of website (unique domain) if present, and if not add the URL of their business name listed in 3rd party sites like Tradeindia, Sulekha, Indiamart, etc. Do not enter the URL of Social media page in this field


Step 4: Payment method addition in Facebook

Note: For payment method, credit card details should be added mandatorily, and only then Meta allows to send messages through WhatsApp integration


Step 5: Configuration in Gofrugal Alerts portal

Step 6: WhatsApp template registration

Note: You will be able to start sending messages to customers from your mobile number (without business name) once the above step (Step 6) is completed.


Step 7: Green tick verification for Whatsapp -

Note: To submit the documents for Green tick verification/approval, customers need to continue sending the messages regularly for sometime after the account creation.

The Green tick verification for any business is purely based on the discretion of Meta (WhatsApp)

After the implementation is completed, to take some important actions, refer to the documents below: