Let's see how to make the Delivery Bill in POS:-
1.Go to the Sales-->Bill entry.
2. Select the Customer and Door Delivery to Yes to save the bill has a delivery bill and the list of items to be delivered.
3. If the customer is going to pay immediately then click on F6 or Tender and enter the amount against the payment type and click on done.
4. If the customer is going to pay at the time of delivery then press Ctrl+Alt+F3 or DueBill button so the bill will be saved as Due bill and when the delivery boy delivers the bill they have to collect the payment.
5. Once the bill is saved in POS, the delivery boy and the delivery data and time can be assigned from the GoDeliver portal based on your and customers convenience and availability of the delivery boys.
6. Click on Delivery allocation to view the bills that are yet to be assigned to the delivery boys under "Pending Allocation". Select the delivery bill that has to be assigned to the delivery boy and click on "Allocate Delivery"
7. Select the delivery boy who is going to deliver that bill from your store to the customer's door's with the delivery date and time. Once the allocation is saved the delivery bill will be reflected in the delivery boy's GoDeliver app.
Note: The assigned delivery bills can be edited if needed in the following screens "Delivery assigned", "Rescheduled" and "Canceled".