How to make a Purchase Order from GoSure GRN?

How to make a Purchase Order from GoSure GRN?

Purchase Order (PO) is a commercial document between the buyer and the seller that clearly indicates details of items requested by the buyer, that has to be fulfilled by the seller. It is issued by the buyer to the seller and acts as the legal binding document between both parties.

A Purchase Order carries specific information like details of both the parties, products or services agreed to be delivered, their quantity, HSN/SAC code, agreed prices for products or services offered, delivery date, terms and conditions etc.


Benefits of raising a Purchase Order:

  • Purchase Order allows sellers to establish clear and open communication with buyers ensuring transparency in transactions

  • It is useful for the buyer to know their previous purchase history, compare, and take the right purchase decisions on time

  • It helps the sellers to ensure they collect the payment from the buyers, in case they refuse to do so

  • It also allows the sellers to track the inventory, recurring orders, buying pattern and frequency of customers and make informed procurement decisions from their vendors

  • It provides peace of mind to the seller as the buyer is bound to make the payment once order is fulfilled by them


How to make a Purchase Order from GoSure GRN?

Step 1: To make a PO from GRN mobile app, click on the Menu icon on the top left, and choose the menu "Purchase Order". You will be able to see all the items listed on the screen.

Step 2: Click on the down arrow at the top, to open the Header details window. Enter the details like Supplier Name, PO Date and Delivery Date, and click on 'Proceed'. 


Step 3: Choose the items which are to be ordered from the selected supplier, and click on 'Proceed'.
Note: The items can also be added by scanning the barcodes with inbuilt mobile barcode scanner in the GRN mobile app. You can also scan the barcodes of items by clicking in the Camera icon at the bottom left.


Step 4: Once all the required items are added, click on the 'Cart' icon at the top right to proceed with submitting the PO. 

Step 5: In the 'Purchase Order Cart' screen, verify if all the products are added. If more products to be added, click on 'Add Products', and finally click on 'Done'.


Step 6: The PO will be submitted from mobile app, and PO No will be generated successfully.

Step 7: Once the PO is submitted from the mobile app, it will be received in real-time in your web-app. To load the POs made from the mobile app, in the web-app, click on the Bell icon at the top right.


Step 8: A pop-up window 'Purchase Orders from Mobile' will appear on the screen. Select the PO which needs to be loaded, and it will be automatically loaded on the Purchase Order screen in the GRN web-app.

Note: You can also filter the PO made against a particular supplier, (or) raised by a particular  Picker, (or) POs raised between specific dates.


Step 9: All the fields in the Purchase Order screen will be automatically filled, based on the details entered in the GRN mobile app for the selected PO.


Step 10: You can customize the column to be shown in the Purchase Order screen by clicking on the Settings icon. In the "Column Arrangement" window that appears, select/deselect the column as required, and click on 'Apply'.

Step 11: You can see the Purchase History of an item by placing the cursor on the required item, and press the button "PUR HISTORY". You will see the complete purchase history details for the selected item, that includes, Supplier Name, Purchase Date, PO No., Quantity, Cost, Selling Price, MRP, Net Cost, etc.

Besides the 'PUR HISTORY' button, the following is the list of a few functions available on this screen:
  1. HOLD - To keep the current Purchase Order on hold, and make another purchase order.
  2. VIEW - To view the list of Purchase Orders
  3. CLEAR - To clear the entries made in the current Purchase Order screen


Step 12: Click on "PENDING POS" button at the top right, to load the list of Purchase Orders kept on Hold. Once the required PO is selected from the list, it will be loaded in the Purchase Order screen again, after which you could proceed with reviewing and submitting the Purchase Order.




Purchase Orders can be placed from anywhere and at anytime, at your convenience using the GoSure GRN application, saving much amount of time, efforts and providing peace of mind to make purchases even without being physically present in the store.