How to make Opening Stock entry in GoSure StockTake?

How to make Opening Stock entry in GoSure StockTake?

Opening stock is the initial quantity of any product/goods held by an organization during the beginning of an accounting period (most predominantly at the start of a financial year). The opening stock at the beginning of an accounting period is equivalent to the closing stock of the previous accounting period.


Benefits of Opening Stock entry:

Making an opening stock entry ensures the stock is available for the whole period, be it the day, week, or month. It helps to avoid the chances of unexpected stock-out instances.


How to make Opening Stock entry using GoSure StockTake?


Note: Opening stock entry feature is available in GoSure StockTake linked to Gofrugal RetailEasy 6 alone.


Step 1: In the mobile app, click on the menu called "OSE" which can be seen by clicking the  Menu icon

 at the top left.

Step 2: In the OSE screen, select the required items from the list, and choose the appropriate batch of the item, for which opening stock entry should be made.

Note: You can also make the OSE by scanning the barcode by clicking on the  Camera icon at the bottom right.

Step 3: Enter the quantity in 'Stock' field, and fill in other fields - MRP Rs., Cost Rs., Selling Price Rs., and Batch No. if not filled automatically but you need them to be filled, and click on 'Proceed'

Step 4: The items for which OSE is made will be added to the cart, that will be displayed as in the below image.


Step 5: Click on the OSE Cart icon to see the list of items added to the cart. You can continue to add items by clicking on 'Add Products' button, and once all the items are added, click on 'Done'.

Step 6: Now the OSE will be done successfully from the GoSure StockTake mobile app and OSE No. will be generated.


Step 7: You can load the OSE made in mobile app, in the GoSure StockTake web-app, by clicking on the  Bell or notification icon  at the top right corner. All the OSE made from the mobile app will be listed in the pop-up window, with details including Stock taker name, OSE No. OSE Date, Start Time and End time.


Step 8: Click on the required OSE and it will be loaded in the web-app screen, the details being populated same as mobile app.
Note: You can customize the columns to be displayed in the web-app screeen by clicking on the Settings icon
 and selecting/deselecting the required columns as per need.



Note: The OSE can also be made directly from the GoSure StockTake web-app

Step 9: Make the final confirmation for OSE in web-app by clicking on 'Submit', and choosing 'Yes' in the pop-up window that appears.



Step 10: You will find the Opening Stock Entry to be submitted, and the OSE No. is generated successfully.