Parcel entry in GoSure GRN mobile app

How to make Parcel entry in GoSure GRN (in RetailEasy7)?

It is not mandatory that all the companies will be operating 24 x 7 and making GRN for the arrived goods round the clock. Some companies have predefined timings, when the goods will be accepted and made GRN. Also, the transporter who has brought the goods from the seller cannot be send back with the goods, since the logistics of delivering goods is a complex process and involves a lot of efforts. In such a case, an option to collect the goods from the transporter and store them safely without making GRN will prove to be useful for both the customer and seller.


Benefits of Parcel Entry in GoSure GRN app:

Consider that the seller has shipped the items ordered by the buyer and it has reached the destination of the buyer during non-working hours, when the GRN cannot be made. Using the Parcel entry option, entry can be made for list of Suppliers from whom the transporter has taken the goods, along with corresponding LR details and Invoice details of goods delivered by the transporter and later GRN entry can be made.


(1) How to make Parcel entry in GoSure GRN web-app (in RetailEasy7) ?

Step 1: In the GoSure GRN web-app, select the 'Parcel entry' from left tab and enter the transporter details like Transporter name, Received by, Remarks, and Parcel Received date.



Step 2: Fill In the mandatory fields Supplier code, Lorry receipt number,  Lorry receipt date, Invoice number, Invoice date, Invoice amount, cases and also other fields which are not mandatory - Freight, Weight, Vehicle No, Asset amount, Check Post no, Token no, Remarks.

Step 3: If you want to edit the parcel entry made, click on "Edit" button in the Parcel entry screen. In the 'Parcel Entry (Edit Mode)' window, you can search for the parcel entry based on two of the following: Parcel No and Invoice No.



Step 4: To view the parcel entry by applying filters, click on "Filters" button at the top and apply the filter based on your choice: Transporter, Supplier, Received date, Received By  and click on "Apply".

Step 5: If you want to check the parcel entry made from a mobile, click on "Notification" button at the top of the parcel entry screen. In the 'Parcel Entry from Mobiles' pop-up window, you can search the parcel entry based on two of the following: Ref No, Invoice No. 


Step 6: If you want to search by applying advanced filter, click on "Filters" button at the top and select the filter of your choice same as in Edit mode


(2) How to make Parcel entry in GoSure GRN mobile-app (in RetailEasy7) ?

Step 1: In the GoSure mobile app, select the "Parcel entry" tab. In the Parcel Entry window, click on "Transporter Details" and in the 'Add Header Details. pop-up window, enter the Transporter name, Receiver, Parcel Received date and Remarks.


Step 2: For the selected transporter, fill in the individual parcel entries from each supplier by entering the mandatory fields Supplier name, LR number, LR Date, Invoice number, Invoice amount, Invoice date, Cases and also other fields which are not mandatory. Each entry will be added to the cart.

Step 3: Click on the "Cart" icon at the top to view the items added to the cart. You can delete the item, by swiping to the left and clicking on the Trash button on the right against each item. Finally, click on "Done" to submit the parcel entry.

Conclusion: Using the Parcel entry feature is beneficial for the buyer, seller and transporter. When the goods arrive at the buyer destination when there is non-availability of persons to make GRN, they need not wait for making the inward using the GRN entry rather, they can make the parcel entry to save the details. The sellers need not worry if the goods are delivered safely. The transporters also need not wait for longer time till making GRN entry and they can leave once parcel entry is made. Thus, it will be beneficial at every point in the end of the supply chain.