How to make Purchase Return from GoSure GRN?

How to make Purchase Return from GoSure GRN?

A Purchase Return is a term used to describe the action of a buyer returning back the goods to the seller from whom they bought. The purchase return can be processed with a refund or store credit, based on the seller's policy.

The buyer might return the items for various reasons. Maybe they were unhappy with the product due to damage or quality or not meeting their expectations, or they mistakenly purchased wrong items, or the seller sent them the wrong products, or they bought excess of an item and want to return a portion of their order or they might even changed their mind on owning the product.


Benefits of Purchase Return:

  • Purchase Return will enable the buyer to return back the unsatisfactory or irrelevant or surplus items back to the supplier, so that they could save the input costs on those items, and also prevent bearing the inventory carrying costs for the items that does not suit them.

  • It also helps the suppliers in turn to take necessary actions quickly and avoid chances of expiry or prolonged damage, that would otherwise happen if retained by the buyer for a long period.


How to make Purchase Return from GoSure GRN?


Note: Purchase Return feature is available only in GoSure GRN linked to the base product RetailEasy 7.


Before making a Purchase Return, let us quickly explore how the Purchase Order and GRN is made.


Making a Purchase Order from GoSure GRN:


Step 1: Load the Supplier Name from whom the purchase is to be taken up. You will find the PO Date to be filled as today's date by default. Fill in the Freight amount and PO reference if needed. Choose the 'Ship after date' in case of RetailEasy 7, and 'Delivery Date' as well as 'Expiry Date' in case of RetailEasy 6.

Step 2: Enter the required items and their corresponding quantities in their respective columns. Fill in al other fields that are needed as per your requirement.

Note: You can customize the Column arrangement of this screen, by clicking on the  Settings icon , and selecting/deselecting the required columns as per need, and you could also import the items in bulk, by clicking on the 'Import' icon.


Below are a few important functions to note in this screen:

  1. PUR HISTORY: To see the history of selected items from multiple suppliers, with the respective costs for each supplier for the same item
  2. HOLD: To make the current Purchase Order made, for making another Purchase Order due to unavoidable reasons
  3. VIEW: Only to view the list of all purchase orders made
  4. PENDING POS: To see the list of purchase orders kept on hold, load them onto the screen and continue with completing the PO
  5. BELL ICON: To view the list of Purchase orders made from mobile, and load them, so that it can be submitted from web-app directly.



Step 3: Click on 'Submit'. The PO will be saved, and the PO number will be generated successfully, as shown in the below image.

(Please note that the PO Number here is 183).




Making GRN against the raised PO:

Step 1: Load the Supplier Name, and select the Purchase Order from the selected supplier. All the details will be auto populated as per the entries given while creating the PO. Fill in the fields such as Invoice No., Invoice amount, Invoice Date, Freight amount, Round off etc.



Step 2: Make corrections to the already added items, make Purchase Adjustment if needed, and submit the GRN.


Below are a few important functions to note in this screen:

  1. PUR HISTORY: To see the history of selected items from multiple suppliers, with the respective costs for each supplier for the same item
  2. PUR ADJ: To adjust the pending amount due from the supplier during lat purchase, while making the current purchase
  3. HOLD: To make the current Purchase or GRN made, for the purpose of making another GRN due to unavoidable reasons
  4. VIEW: To only view the list of all GRNs made
  5. EDIT: To Edit the GRNs
  6. OUTSTANDING: To check the Outstanding from the selected supplier
  7. CUSTOM OFFER: To set the customer offer against the supplier
  8. TAX CONFIG: To configure the Tax as GST or VAT, marking them inclusive or exclusive and setting the Purchase Formula
  9. PENDING INVOICES: To see the list ofGRNs kept on hold, load them onto the screen and continue with completing the GRN
  10. BELL ICON: To view the list of GINs made from mobile, and load them, so that it can be submitted from web-app directly.
Step 3: The GRN will be saved and the GRN No. will be generated successfully.

(Please note the GRN No. here is 153)




Making Purchase Return from GoSure GRN web-app


Step 1: Click on 'Purchase Return' menu from the left menu of the GRN web-app.

Step 2: Select the Supplier against whom the return is to be initiated, load the GRN from the selected supplier, and select the items to be returned (Partial return is also allowed).

Note: If you do not want to select the Supplier, click on "Without Supplier".


Step 3: You will find that the details are auto populated in this screen, as per the details given in the GRN. You can change the Column arrangement by clicking on the   icon.


Note: VIEW is used to view the Purchase returns submitted, and HOLD is used to hold the current Purchase return entry made. These hold entries can be retrieved by clicking on "PENDING RETURNS" at the top right corner.



Step 4: Make corrections in the quantity if any, and click on "Submit".


Step 5: The Purchase Return will be submitted, and Return slip number will be generated successfully.



This Return amount can be adjusted next time when the purchase is made against the same supplier.