Mandatory Supplier details entry for GRN picker in GoSure

How to make Supplier details entry as mandatory for GRN picker in GoSure GRN (RetailEasy7)?

The GRN picker can make an entry for GIN from mobile, without entering the Supplier details. Due to this, the GRN manager finds it difficult to validate the supplied items and their supplier, and time is lost in locating the supplier details for the GIN. To overcome these difficulties, there is a necessity to make Supplier details entry mandatory for the GRN while making the GIN entry from mobile.


Benefits of enabling Supplier details as mandatory for GRN pickers in GoSure:

By enabling this option, the GRN manager can ensure that the GRN entry made by the GRN picker is against the correct supplier. This will avoid a mismatch in items delivered by the supplier and the actual entry made by the GRN picker.


How to make Supplier details entry mandatory for GRN picker in GoSure (RetailEasy7) ?

Step 1: In the GoSure GRN web app, enable the option  "Supplier details should be given as mandatory in mobile" and click on "Apply".


Step 2: If you click on the 'GRN' tab in the left pane of GoSure mobile app, the dialog box "Add Header Details" appears and you will not be able to go to close the dialog box without entering the Supplier details


Step 3: After entering the Supplier details, you will have full control to browse through the GRN app.


NOTE: If you disable the option "Supplier details should be given as mandatory in mobile", you can select the item or scan the barcode, without mentioning the Supplier details, and the automatic pop-up of the Supplier details dialog box will not happen.




Conclusion: Using this option in web-app, the GRN manager can enable the GRN picker to enter the Supplier details mandatorily and thus avoid any mismatch or foul play in making GIN from mobile.