GoSure GRN smartly maps PO against your GIN entry and helps you save massive amount of time.You can select the supplier and the PO raised, and make a GIN entry from the mobile.
- Login to the GoSure mobile application >> GRN
- Go to the header details option and make sure you have filled the Supplier details
- Click on proceed
- You will be listed with the purchase orders made against that supplier
- From the list select the purchase order you wish to make an inward for
- Now you can make the inward of the items against the PO
- On saving the GIN, you can load the same in the web application and approve
To approve the GIN made by mapping the PO,
- Login to the web application >> GRN with your username and password
- Click on the "bell icon", you will be listed with the notifications of the GIN's made from the mobile
- Select and load the GIN and load
- If there are any PO's against the supplier, the PO's will be listed and you can select
- On loading you'll be able to know the mismatches between the PO and the GIN if any
- Check and click on "Submit", to save the GRN