How to map the uom vs item?

How to map the uom vs item?

UOM Vs Item mapping


Step 1: Go to Master->UOM-> UOM Vs Item mapping



Step 2. Choose the item for the mapping and enter the details of the item to be sold in a particular quantity.

Eg, If we want to sell 500 ml of Amala juice at Rs. 25, enter the details for Base UOM, Sub UOM, Quantity and Selling price in this screen and update.


To view this in Sales bill


Step 3: Go to Sales->Sales Bill


Choose the item to bill



Step 4: If 500 ml of the quantity has to be sold, choose the item and change the quantity as below and click on Done.



Step 5: In the sales screen the quantity and the price of the item will be changed according to the UOM mapping


Step 6: Click on Pay and Tender the payment




UOM mapping can also be done for items which contains Box and Pcs and can be sold separately. eg. Apple pie 1box and 1pc to be sold separately.


To create a item


Step 7: Go to Maters->Item

Create the item Apple Pie and enter the details. Under the UOM mapping section enter the required details as below.



Step 8: Go to Masters->UOMs->UOM Vs Item mapping

Enter the details for the units and the price. Mention the Selling Price based on the Base Quantity and Update. eg. For 100 units the selling price is Rs.500. So for each pc the price would be Rs.5 (500 /100).



Step 9: Go to Sales->Sales bill

Choose the item to bill




To item can be sold in pcs also as per the UOM mapping.


Step 10: Go to Sales->Sales bill


Choose the Quantity as Pcs and the price for 1 Pc will be changed accordingly as below and click on Done



Step 11: In the sales screen the quantity and the price of the item has been changed according to the UOM mapping



Step 12: Click on Pay and Tender the payment




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