Purpose of Saving new customer in RetailEasy7:
When you store new customer information, it is easier to retrieve customer details in future billing processes, as well as provide loyalty programs and use the customer information for marketing and promoting new products.
Benefits of saving new customers:
The following are the benefits of saving new customers in RetailEasy7
Customer databases and their purchasing history reports can be used to determine the behaviour pattern of customers.
Encourage repeated customers to buy more products by offering them special offers.
Using customer contact information, market new product releases through SMS and email.
Please refer to this video for further reference,
Step 1: Navigate through Customer -> Master -> Customer Master
Step 2: In the Details section, fill in the details of the customer name and their residing address.
Note: The fields marked with "*" are mandatory to enter.
Step 3: For a customer who is credit-based, you can set a credit limit and days of credit giving in the Credit Details section.
Step 4: In the GST section, select the customer registration type from Regular, Unregistered, and Composition. Next, fill in the customer GST details.
Step 5: In Personal Details section, fill with customer contact information for further marketing.
By using this method, you can easily add new customers, create customer databases, provide loyalty programs, conduct promotional activities, and retrieve customer information easily during the billing process.