How to Stock take items using Scan-only mode in GoSure (RetailEasy 7) ?

How to Stock take items using Scan-only mode in GoSure StockTake app (RetailEasy 7)?

Stock taking is the activity of counting the stock in the outlet. The best practice is to do stock counting every day but it is not possible in the traditional method of manual stock counting, since most of the time the stock takers are busy attending to the customers during business hours. GoSure StockTake module is used to perform stock counting every day at business hours with real-time stock updation.


Features of StockTake:

In GoSure StockTake, we can count the stock either by manual entry of item code or by scanning the barcode. We can also enable stock counting only by scanning, by enabling the feature in Stock Taking Configuration.

Benefits of Scan only mode:

The 'Scan only mode' allows the stock takers to count the items only by scanning. This allows us to scan all the barcodes as a whole and confirm the count at the end, thus saving time for the stock takers.


How to do stock taking only by scanning?

Note: Only batch-wise and piece-wise barcodes can be scanned. Eancode scanning is not supported

Step 1: In the web app, choose the 'Stock Take' module and click on the 'Settings' button in the left tab. Under the 'Stock taking', click on 'Stock taking configuration'. Select 'Enable scan only mode'


Step 2: In the mobile app,  go to the 'Stock Take' module. Click on the "Start Scanning" button at the bottom to start scanning the items.




Step 3:  You can capture the barcode multiple times for each quantity. The scanned quantity of the individual item will be shown in "QTY" and the overall scanned quantity of the item is shown in "TOTAL QTY". For example, here, we have scanned each item (Item 2025, 2026, 2027) 2 times, so the quantity in the "QTY" column is 2 and the Total quantity is 6 (2 nos * 3 items)


Step 4: While scanning an item continuously, if you want to undo the last scan done, click on the "Undo Scan" button, then resume scanning and click on "Done" after scanning all the items.



Step 5: To make a stock count of damaged items, click on the broken bottle-like icon in the scanning screen and start scanning. By clicking on the specific item, you can view the damage count and the batch of the item in which damage was there.


Step 6: If you want to delete an item, for which stock is counted, swipe the item to the left, press the Delete button and confirm by pressing 'Yes'. The item will be deleted from the stock count screen



Step 7: If you want to start scanning again, click on "Start scanning" and if stock counting is completed, click on the "Confirm count" button. You can confirm the count for each item, by pressing each item and the "Confirm count" button at the bottom of the screen or you can confirm the count for all the items by pressing the button at the bottom of this screen.





Scanning using a Barcode scanner: You can count the items by using a Barcode scanner. For enabling this option, click on 3 dots at the top of the scanning screen and click on 'Barcode scanner'.




NOTE 1: You can view the barcode of the scanned item, by choosing the item and clicking the qty under any batch.



NOTE 2: Instead of scanning the barcode of an item multiple times, you can also scan the barcode once and enter the quantity manually, by clicking on "QTY".

Conclusion: StockTake makes the counting of stock-taking easy and quick. The scan-only mode in StockTake enables still faster and more secured stock taking.