How to use GoSure StockTake with RetailEasy OnCloud?

How to use GoSure StockTake with RetailEasy OnCloud?

Stock audit is the major challenge that every business faces due to a lot of constraints in resources and

increased errors. With counting stock and maintaining proper inventory becoming necessary to run the business successfully with least investment and maximum profits, there arises the need for a feasible app that can solve the worries in stock counting.

GoSure StockTake, a daily stock auditing app, is that reliable and ready to use app, and it being integrated with RetailEasy OnCloud, can make the process of auditing, easy and efficient. 

Benefits of integrating GoSure StockTake with RetailEasy OnCloud:


- Easy and accurate stock counting with in-built barcode scanner in mobile app

- Audit tasks can be completed superfast without closing the stores

- Stock count can be done by minimum staff with least skills

- Employee efficiency can be improved by making them do stock counting in lean hours and even in busy billing hours

- Immediate identification of mismatches and instant stock reconciliation

How to use GoSure StockTake with RetailEasy OnCloud?


For using GoSure StockTake creating proper Employee details with all is necessary fields is mandatory.


Step 1: Go to Tools --> Configuration --> Security Configurations.



Step 2: In the screen that appears, click on the tab "Employee Master" and click on "Create Employee" button.

Note: If the user has been created already, then, you can check if all the mandatory fields are been filled, and add the GoSure roles (as given in Step 4 below) if not mapped before.

Step 3: You can see 4 tabs - Employee details, Login details, Contact details and Upload Photo tabs in the window that appears on clicking "Create Employee". Now click on "Employee Details" tab, and fill in all the mandatory fields. Please note that the location selected in the field 'Default Branch' will be assigned as default for the user being created.


Step 4: Next, fill in all the mandatory fields in the second tab "Login Details". You can select the GoSure User Type as 'Stock Taker' if the user should be using the mobile app (or) choose 'Inventory Manager' if he should be accessing the web-app.



Step 5: In the third tab - "Contact Details", fill in the Mobile number mandatorily and other fields if necessary.


Step 6: In the last tab, you can upload the photo of the employee if required, by clicking on 'Choose File' and

uploading it.

Step 7: Now, the employee is created, with GoSure role being mapped. The Inventory Manager can access the GoSure StockTake web-app by clicking on "GOFRUGAL GoSure" from Tools --> Integrations.


Step 8: Now, the URL (Web-app) will be opened in the browser for the Inventory Manager, where 'customerid' in the URL should be replaced with your respective customer ids. The manager can now login by entering the Username and password created in the Login details tab.


Step 9: The GoSure StockTake mobile app can be accessed by Stock takers by downloading it from the PlayStore.

Step 10: After downloading, they need to enter the registered Mobile number and email id to receive the OTP in the given number. Once the OTP is validated, sync happens, and mobile app will be ready to use for the Stock takers.

Note: For customers with active GoSure StockTake license, stock audit can be done only using GoSure StockTake and the existing Physical Stock update screen cannot be accessed and used.


Conclusion: The integration of GoSure StockTake with RetailEasy OnCloud will make the process of stock audit easy, accurate and hassle free, thus enabling users to derive more benefits by saving in time, efforts, and manpower.