I/U Concept

How to create an item with I/U?

In the pharmacy vertical, the I/U is important while creating an item. I/U means Units per Item. A tablet will be in the form of a Strip with a number of individual tablets in it.
(Example: A Crocin tablet strip will have 10 tablets in it. So while creating the item the I/U value will be '10'.)
In the pharmacy business, the Purchase of the tablets will be in the form of Strips and the Selling will be in the form of Individual Units or Strips.
So while Creating an item the Selling price and Purchase price of the Strip should be given.

Item Creation with I/U.

 - Go to Inventory -> Masters -> Items


 - Enter Item Name (Eg: Crocin), Product Type, I/U (10), Selling Price (Rs.10 Per Strip), Purchase Price (Rs.5 Per Strip), Landiding Cost (Rs.0.5 Per Unit), Batch and expiry format and then the categories and Press 'F6' or click 'Save'.


Item Purchase.

Whenever an item is purchased the number of strips we buy should only be entered as Quantity.

 - Go to Purchase -> Purchase Invoice


 - Select the Supplier, enter the Invoice number, Invoice amount.


 - Select the Item from the LOV and enter the Quantity (In Strips), Batch, and expiry and then press F6 or select 'Save' to save the Purchase Invoice.


Item Stock Before Purchase


Item Stock after Purchase.


Item Sales

In the sales bill, the quantity columns refer to the Number of Units we sell. The rate will be automatically calculated based on the I/U.

 - Go to Sales -> Sales Bill


 - Press enter to display the LOV.

 - Select the Item and enter the Quantity(In Units), (Eg.I/U-10, Selling- 10 and Qty entered-2 then the rate will be displayed as '2')



 - Press 'F6' or select 'Save'.


 - Enter the amount in the appropriate Payment type and click 'Save' to print the invoice also, or select 'Save(No Print)' to just the save the invoice without Printing it.

Item Stock before Sales


Item Stock after Sales.


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