The Incubation Centre in the Eye is used to analyse your New/bootstrapped articles. It helps you to keep track of the performance of these articles by bringing up insights about the product during their period as New.
The New/Bootstrapped articles are classified into various categories based on their Performance in this period such as,
Here you can see products categorised as Starving. These are products which are New/Bootstrapped Products for which the stores are not stocked properly for the sales to happen. A likely action here would be to review their reference limits or view supplier fill rates to ensure proper inventory.
The Assortment Listing under the Categories has Information such as Period in Incubation, Per Day i.e., sales contribution per day, In/Out which is the overall stock In & Out ratio in the period and Revenue generated by the article in the Period. Also, You can view details of the articles across the stores.
Based on the categories that the products fall upon, actions can also be taken here as follows,
Setting up Store Limits - In case an article is completely New and has no sales before, Store limits can be set for the products to start placing purchases based on the limits.
Purchase Deactivate - Assortments which are tagged mainly as No Movement/Crawling or The product which does not perform as expected can be analysed and purchase deactivated if no longer we choose the deal with those items.
Mark Mainstream - The products which show a satisfactory performance and we chose to continue with the product and no longer need to be part of the analysis.
The Incubation centre in the Daily News is scoped for the whole business. Also, the supplier & category wall has this widget scoped specific to it.